(6) A Day for a Date

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We get some daddy action ;) JK but they are gunna have a date without Savannah. Because they haven't had one since they adopted her about a month ago. (That's what they are wearing on their date in the picture above. ^) THIS WILL HAVE SMUT THESE *** WILL POP UP ONCE YOU GET TO THE SMUT PARAGRAPH. Btw I've never written smut before so LETS GO!

"Baby boy you ready?" Josh asks while he is waiting for Tyler to come out of the bathroom. As Tyler enters the room Josh is astonished. "Baby boy... you look so pretty tonight." Josh's eyes inched over every crease of Tyler's innocent frail body. "Why thank you Jishwa. You look pretty, pretty yourself" Tyler said as he was getting tongue tied. Josh laughed at how Tyler's tongue poked through his teeth and how his eyes crossed in frustration. "C'mon we have a big night planned." Josh was so excited to take Tyler out, mainly because they haven't been alone together in forever. It was always Josh at work, Savannah at school, and Tyler either at home or running errands. Never just them.

"Have fun Savannah, I love you and be safe Princess! Don't be stupid with her Beebo or I'll kick your wild ass self." Tyler said jokingly and serious but being more serious. "Don't worry I'll take "AMAZING" care of her." As Brendon metaphorically scrunched his fingers in and out of quotation marks. "Ok thanks again Brendon. Have fun Savvybear, uncle Beebo will be watching you." Josh said with a smile, as his little one came and tumbled Josh over from his legs and Tyler joining the hug. After the many hugs and kisses Josh and Tyler had finally left.

"M'Josh....." Tyler said. "Yes Tyler?" "Where are we going...y'know like on our date?" Tyler said expecting not to get an answer because that's how Josh is. "M'not telling you baby boy, haven't you already known this." Josh said with a smirk eyes still on the road. "I know it just I would... really... really like to know." Tyler had a very cheesy smile now trying to convince Josh. "This happens every time and I'm still not gunna tell you." "Fine." Tyler says upset but knowing that josh wouldn't tell even with how hard Tyler tries.

About 10 minutes or so they finally had arrived to the little coffee shop that they first told each other they love one another. As Tyler saw his eyes were sparkling from the little fairy lights that spread across the dimly lit walls of the coffee shop. Tyler was so genuinely happy to be back at his favorite coffee shop. "Hey boys, haven't seen you here in a bit. Where've you been?" The split white and black died hair girl says. "Hey Mel!!" Tyler says while giving her a quick hug. "Missed you too Mel." Josh says as he hugs her too. "So the usual. Right?" She says as if that's a question. "M'course." Josh says happily. After about six minutes or so Melanie had brought them their usual. Tyler always got a blueberry muffin and a caramel frappe, while Josh got his usual black coffee and strawberry crumpet. Tyler still doesn't know how Josh can just drink his coffee all black no sugar or nothing. "Joshy." Tyler said so very innocently. "Yes baby boy?" Josh said as he looked up from his mug to Tyler, with doe eyes staring right back at his own. "M'need you tonight." Tyler's doe eyes were so sincerely honest and passionate, that Josh couldn't keep his hand off Tyler any longer then he has tonight already.

Once their date was over they had the house to themselves since Brendon was watching Savannah for the night. Finally as they entered their room Josh immediately took his shirt and lunged to take off Tyler's. Once they were now only in their underwear on the bed, the kissing and grinding was getting more intense from rubbing against each other multiple times. Tyler's gentle little whimpers coming from his mouth. Finally Josh's moans got louder as he pulled down Tyler's underwear to reveal his hard member with a bit of precum at the tip. Josh's underwear were now long forgotten as well as he took them off. "M'ready to make love with you baby boy." Josh hums his voice. "So ready Joshy." Tyler said as he was now not being able to handle not feeling Josh. At those words Tyler spoke Josh now had wrapped his hand around Tyler's member and started to pump. Tyler now letting our little squeaks and moans, Josh doing the same. Now that Josh had finished he grabbed some lube from their bedside table and started to prep Tyler. Little moans still escaping Tyler's now swollen lips. Since Josh was now a moaning mess he was ready to make love with his baby boy. He lined himself up and pulled in having a steady pace. "Mmmmm." Tyler moans. "Faster baby boy?" Josh asks knowing what the answer will be. "Y-yes Joshy." Tyler says barely audible that Josh had now hit his sweet spot. "Almost their baby boy." Josh said as he felt the o so familiar feeling in his stomach. Tyler was now pumping himself and that sight was the sight that let Josh cum into Tyler. As Tyler was now erecting into his hand. Josh had now taken himself out of Tyler and laid beside him holding him close. "M'love you Tyler." Josh said as he looked over to Tyler already staring at him. "Love you too Josh." They both had taken a shower together and put clean sheets on the bed, then they fell asleep next to each other in full bliss and honey.

GUYS I WROTE 1,015 WORDS LIKE OMG THATS AWESOME. I LOVE  YOU GUYS! I CANT WAIT TO KEEP WRITING THIS FICT! Plus I may have another chapter out tomorrow but I don't know for sure.

Stay safe, be careful with all your decisions, drink water, eat enough but not to much, and get a good amount of sleep. <3


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