(20) The older they get The sooner they leave

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Guys it's the last chapter. I'm gunna cry. Help me. But I do have an idea for my next book so don't worry! ;)

The wedding day....<3

"Daddy T I'm Nervous." Savannah admitted to her dad. "Savvybear, you will be amazing out there. Luna is so lucky to soon have you as a wife. Luckiest girl ever if I say so." Tyler kissed his daughters forehead and held her in a tight hug as Josh walked in. "Savvy you ready to walk out. They said you are ready to go up and then Luna will arrive." Josh asked but in more a way of telling her. "I-I'm ready." She replied.

Josh holding her left arm and Tyler holding her right, walked up they both kissed her on the forehead told their "I love you's" and went to sit. Tyler was already a crying mess and josh was comforting him even though he was getting a little emotional (roadshow) too. (Sorry not sorry I just miss my concert.) Then everybody stood again and then Luna came down the little carpeted walkway to her almost new wife. Once she made it everyone sat down. (I don't know muck about weddings yet I've been to A LOT. So sorry.) Then the Paster spoke up, "We are gathered here today to come and see Savannah Marie DunJoseph and Luna Rose Shard join in marriage. "Savannah will you say your vows." Then Savannah looked back at Luna and took a deep breath.

"Luna Rose Shard, I have known you ever since the first day of kindergarten, and when I saw you that day I knew I was gunna marry you. I love you and would do anything for you. You are the best and worst thing to happen. The best because you make me a better person but worst because I can't show you off to the whole world. You deserve so much in everything you do. Your are Pure, Beautiful, Breathtaking, Charismatic, and the most Wonderful person I know. If you stick with me forever I'll never leave your side. I love you Luna.

Savannah was practically crying through her vows but kept it together as much as she could.

"Your turn to speak your vows Luna." The Paster said.

(Little mention of anxiety and depression nothing horrible, M'promise just don't wanna trigger any of you guys)
"Savannah, you are my light, my good side and my bad, you are the ray of sunshine that I need on a bad day, you are everything to me. That day of kindergarten when you stood up for me I knew there was something special about you. I'm so thankful for you. The day you asked me to be your girlfriend at 10 was probably the best day of my life till today, I finally get to live the rest of my life with you. Even with all the Anxiety and Depression I have you always manage to make my day better no matter how bad I feel. Thank you. I love you!"

"Do you Savannah Marie DunJoseph take Luna Rose Shard to be your wife.?"

"Yes, I do of course." Savannah said with tears in her eyes and the biggest smile on her face.

"Do you Luna Rose Shard take Savannah Marie DunJoseph to be your wife."

"I wouldn't say no, I do." Luna smiled right back with a little tearful chuckle.

"You may both kiss your bride." The Paster Proposed.

The kiss was meaningful and passionate pure true love is what some may say.                                

                          Love and ecstasy.

My book is over I'm crying. I'm so thankful for all of you that read the book!!! THANK YOUUUU!! <3 LOVE YOU ALL AND I WILL BE CREATING A NEW BOOK VERY SOON SO STAY IN TOUCH!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

You are loved and worth it all to me. Stay safe my Lovelies.


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