Chapter One || I'm Late For School

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"Hey Doc? Doc. Hello, anybody home?" I ask, as I place my friends key underneath his doormat. "What's going on?" I asked myself out loud, as I noticed Einstien's (the Doc's dog) bowl was filled with something disgusting. "Oh Jesus," I muttered in disgust. "Oh god. That is disgusting," Pausing, I kicked my skateboard backwards and yelled out, "Where the hell is everybody?" but nobody answered. "Where the hell is he?"I asked again, but barely audible. Doc had been gone for about a week now and I was now starting to worry.

"Come here, Einie boy," I whistled, trying to see if Einstien was here. He didn't respond.

I quickly lost my attention span for Doc's absence though, and became immersed at the sight of my guitar sitting in the corner. Grabbing it, I walked on over to the amplifier Doc had built and turned all of the power and speakers on max. The humming was quite subtle at first; however it grew very loud. I gaze at it for a minute before smiling to myself. Now that was a dangerous amp.

Taking a long note at the guitar pick, I jammed a note. The amp groaned, and bam! I was sent flying back. A whole shelf collapsed onto me; things toppling all over the place. Slowly, I sat up and groaned. A piece of the amp broke and fell off. Woah.

"Rock and roll," I mutter, before taking off my sunglasses and grinning to myself. That was epic!

While it was fun while it lasted, the same time I groaned. The amp would take months to repair but I decided not to worry about it now.

The alarm for the phone suddenly snaps me apurptly out of my thoughts. I run on over and find the phone through Doc's mess.

"Yo," I say into the phone.

"Marty, is that you?" the Doc's muffled voice asks through the receiver.

"Hey, hey, Doc, where are you?" I ask, curiously.

"I've found you. Listen, can you meet me at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15am? I've made a major breakthrough, and I'll need your assistance," he tells me. Maybe it was just me, but his voice seemed hush, like he didn't want anyone to hear him.

"Wait a minute, 1:15 in the morning?" I ask, making sure I heard him right. I was used to Doc calling me at odd times, but why would he want me there so early in the morning?

"Yeah," he confirms.

"What's going on, Doc? Where've you been all week?"


"Where's Einstein? Is he there with you?"

"Yeah, he's right next to me."

"You know, Doc, you left your equipment on all week," I remind him.

"My equipment?" Doc asks. "That reminds me, Marty. You better not hook up to the amplifier. There's a slight possibility of overload."

I give a small grin. Doc had no idea what had just happened. "Yeah. I'll keep that in mind."


Out of nowhere, all of Doc's clocks go off, creating a huge racket and obviously startling me.

"Are those my clocks I hear?" Doc questions.

"Yeah, uh, it's 8 o' clock," I reply, having to yell over the noise the clocks were making.

"Perfect! My experiment worked!" Doc chirps happily. "They're all exactly 25 minutes slow!"

My eyes widen. "Wait a minute.. Doc.." I say slowly, trying my best not to panic. "Are you telling me that it's 8:25?"

"Precisely," he answers.

"Damn," I mutter, slamming the receiver down. "I'm late for school!"

Back to the Future I (Told from Marty Mcfly's POV)Where stories live. Discover now