Chapter Two || History is Gonna Change

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I skate in record time to school and silently curse underneath my breath. If I didn't make it in on time (and I only had two minutes) I would get another tardy and lecture about how I was a slacker by my principal, Mister Strickland. I finally arrive to school, expecting to see no one outside, but my girlfriend runs up to me. "Yo Jennifer," I say, slightly confused on why she wasn't in first period right now.

"Marty, don't go this way. Strickland's looking for you." Jennifer informs me. "If you get caught, it'll be 4 tardies in a row."

Me and Jen sneak in the back of the school carefully, not wanting to run into Strickland. After a minute of walking, she sighed of relief.

"Okay, I think we're safe for now. C'mon!" Jennifer motions for me to follow her and I abide.

"You know, this time it wasn't my fault." I protest as we turn around a corner. "The Doc set all his clocks 25 minutes slow."

Of course, out of nowhere, Old Man Strickland (my nickname I give to Mr. Strickland behind his back) appears, grabbing my shoulder and nearly giving me a heart attack. "The Doc?" He asks. "Am I to understand you're still hanging around with Doctor Emmett Brown, Mcfly? Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk." He sighs, pulling out his detention pad. Uh oh, I internally thought. "Tardy slip for Ms. Parker. And one for you, Mcfly, I believe that makes 4 in a row." I don't respond to him as he gives us a slip and leads us down the hall. "Let me give you a nickel's worth of free advice, young man." He says to me. "That so called "Doctor Brown" is dangerous. He's a real nutcase. Hang with him, you'll end up in big trouble."

Silently, I become pissed but cool off after a second. People were always saying that he was crazy, the town lunatic, someone who I shouldn't hang around with. But they only judged on his looks and general rumors, never actually looking beyond. In total, Doc was a really fun guy to be around, and to be honest, I had learned more from him than my actual teachers. But I had gotten so used to Mr. Strickland saying these crazy things about him, I had stopped caring awhile ago.

"Oh yes sir," I reply casually, not caring less what his response at my sarcasm would be.

He grabs me by the shoulders. "You've got a real attitude problem, Mcfly! You're a slacker! You remind me of your father when he went here; he was a slacker too."

I nod, not really caring or paying any attention. I was already bored. "Can I go now, Mr. Strickland?" 

He stares and continues to taunt me. "I notice your band is on the rooster for the dance audtions after school today, Mcfly. Why even bother? You're too much like your old man. No Mcfly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley!" He leans in so close I can smell his disgusting breath. Our noses were practically touching and I furrow my brows at the sight of it.

Backing off, I look at him straight in the eye and say,

"Yeah, well history is going to change."

Little did I know how true that would turn out to be.

Back to the Future I (Told from Marty Mcfly's POV)Where stories live. Discover now