Chapter Six || How I Met Your Father

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"Believe me, Marty, you're better off not having to worry about all the aggravation and headaches of playing at that dance." My father says, offering me a bowl of peanut brittle. I shake my head, still in a terrible mood.

    "He's right, Marty." My brother David adds. "The last thing you need is headaches!" After saying this, my dad and brother laugh at something on the television. Our mother comes into the kitchen and slaps a poorly-frosted cake onto the table.

    "Kids, we're going to have to this cake by ourselves." My mother says. "Your Uncle Joey didn't make the parole again. It'd be nice if you'd all drop him a line."

    "Uncle Jailbird Joey?" I ask, using his nickname I had thought of.

    "He's your brother, mom!" My brother says disgustedly.

    "Yeah, it's a major embarrassment having an uncle in prison." My sister, Linda, adds in, doing something with her hair.

    "We all make mistakes in life, children." My mother reminds us.

    My brother jumps suddenly from the table. "Goddamn it, I'm late!" He yells. Our mother scowls at his language.

    "David, watch your mouth!" She scolds. "You come here and kiss your mother before you go."

    "Come on, mom, make it fast," David replies, food stuffed in his mouth. "I'll miss my bus." He walks over to my dad, who was still watching a show. "See you later, Pop." He gags and exclaims, "Whew! Time to change that oil."

    My dad evidently laughs hysterically at this.

    "Hey Marty," My sister says. "I'm not your answering service, but while you were outside pouting over the car, Jennifer Parker called you twice."

    I look down at my Casio watch. Geesh! I had gotten home later than I had thought.

    "I don't like her, Marty." My mother interjects. "Any girl who calls a boy is just asking for trouble."

    My sister rolls her eyes. "Oh mother, there's nothing wrong with calling up a boy."

    "I think it's terrible!" My mother says. "Girls chasing boys! When I was your age, I never chased a boy, or called a boy.. or sat in a parked car with a boy."

    "Then how am I supposed to meet anybody?" My sister asks.

    "Well, it'll just happen," My mother reassures her. "Like the way I met your father!"

"That was so stupid!" Linda exclaims with a sigh. "Grandpa hit him with the car!"

    "It was meant to be." My mother says, going to the kitchen to get some more liquor. "Anyway, if your grandpa hadn't hit him, then none of you would of been born."

    "Yeah, well I still don't understand what dad was doing in the middle of the street."

    "What was it George?" My mom asks my dad. "Bird watching?"

    "What Lorraine? What?" My father asks, looking up, obviously not paying attention.

    My mother goes on. "Anyway, your grandpa hit him with the car and brought him into the house. He seemed so helpless, like a little lost puppy, and my heart just went out to him."

    Linda rolls her eyes. "Yeah mom, we know. You felt sorry for him, so you decided to go with him to the Fish Under the Sea Dance."

    "No, no, no, it was Enchantment Under the Sea." My mother corrects her. "Our first date. I'll never forget it. It was the night of that terrible thunderstorm, remember George?"

    My father doesn't reply.

    "Your father kissed me for the very first time on that dance floor. It was then that I realized I would spend the rest of my life with him."

    My father ignores my mother and laughs hysterically at the television. Me and my sister look at each other and exchange a look. Why was I born into a family like this?

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