Chapter Nine || Space Zombies from Pluto

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What just happened?

That's the first thing that rolls into my mind. A few seconds ago, I was at the mall, running from those damn Libyans, and now all of the sudden I was in this.. strange place.

After a few seconds, I hear the barn door slowly creak open. Obviously, someone lived here. I take a second before getting out of the car. I hear a few people scream and slam the door. My hand goes out as a reflex to warn them it wasn't what it looked like. "Woah, woah- listen!" I say, tripping over a haystack. A cow mooed behind me and my eyes enlargen, perplexed. What was going on?

I pick up myself and walk out of the barn. "Hello?" I asked, even though it was pretty pointless. "Uh, excuse me. Sorry about your barn."

A gun suddenly goes off, scaring me badly. I stumble backwards slowly, tripping over the door frame. I shut the door as I hear another gunfire. "It's mutated into human form! Shoot it!" I hear a boy yell.

I dive into the DeLorean, and blast out of the farm. The people scream again, and I hear someone fire at the car. "Take that, you mutated son of a bitch!" Someone, probably older, yelled at me.

I swerve the car frantically as my attempt to avoid killing the famil who lived here. Unfortunately in the process, I accidentally hit some pine trees. "My pines!" An old man yelled. "Why you- You space bastard! You killed my pines!"

I got out of there as soon as I could.


I drove for a little bit, obviously shaken up. Sweat poured down my red face as I gripped the steering wheel, intensified. "Alright, McFly, get a grip on yourself." I say aloud, trying to reassure myself that this was just some bizzare dream and figment of my imagination. "It's all a dream! Just a very intense dream.."

    I drive for a second until I get onto farmland. I slam on the breaks and park on the side of the road. Quickly, I get out, bumping my head in the process. I remove the radiation helmet from my head and observe the land around me. Right away, I see something that makes my blood run cold.

     In front of my very eyes, was a Lyon Estates sign, but no town, just a billboard and reserved land. How was that possible? Where was Lyon Estates, and more importantly- what the hell had just happened?

    I squint at the billboard for a second, before a car approaches me. I run over to the car gratefully. "Listen, you gotta help me," I say to an elderly couple, who were staring me, obviously very perplexed. "Don't stop, Wilbur!" A lady cries. "Drive!"

    I stare at the car for a minute. "Can't be." I muttered. This was insane.

    This really had to be a dream. I jump back into the DeLorean and throw off my radiation helmet. I look at the readout, which read the date, November 5th, 1955. Was it somehow possible I had traveled back to 1955?

    The readout flickers for a minute before shutting off. I try everything to get the car running up again, but no possible luck.  Crap. I really was in trouble.

    "This is nuts," I mutter, banging the steering wheel. I hear a beeping noise behind me, and soon realized it was the plutonium charger. My mind draws back to the conversation me and Doc had, about generating gigawatts or something like that for the car to travel through time.. Speaking of which.. I felt terrible at Doc's death. My chest burns, filled with hatred for the Libyans and grief at Doc's passing. I had to push that thought aside for the minute, though, and worry for my own self. What was I going to do?

    Remembering the futuristic gadgets I had in my radiation suit, I scrummage through my suit for a nanosecond before taking out my Van Halen music tape and placing it on the seat next to me.

I put the Delorean in reverse and push if  behind the billboard I saw from a minute earlier. I begin to walk into town, with a billion thoughts eroding my mind.

How was this happening?

Back to the Future I (Told from Marty Mcfly's POV)Where stories live. Discover now