Chapter Twelve || Lorraine's Bedroom

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 I've probably been laying in bed for hours but it only feels like 2 minutes have gone by. My eyes open a little bit as I slightly shift, exhausted and achy all over. For a minute, I forget where I am at or what happened to me. Half asleep, I ask "Mom? Mom, is that you?"

"There, there now." My mother says, putting some kind of wet rag on my head. "You've been asleep for almost 9 hours now." I shift again and groan slightly.

"I had this horrible nightmare," I say to her. "I dreamt I went back in time. It was terrible." I move once more.

"Well, you're safe and sound now," She reassures me. "back in good ole' 1955."

My eyes widen and my heartbeat rate goes up frantically. I get up quickly. "!955?" I ask, as one of the lights flickers on and lits the poorly dimmed bedroom. I stare at a woman on the bed across from me, except it wasn't any woman; it was my younger mother! I let out a yelp of confusion and terror. My mother stares at me and smiles. "You're my mo- you're my mo-" I state, stuttering a mess of words in disbelief. She looked surprisingly well, especially compared to how she looked as my older mom.

She smiles and nods. "My name is Lorraine." She says, taking off her jacket. "Lorraine Baines?"

I nod in disbelief. "But you're uh, you're so, uhm.. thin!" I exclaim in confusion. She chuckles. "Just, relax Calvin, you've got a big bruise on your head." She says to me. I touch my forehead and start to stand up, but sick back down very quickly after I embarrassingly realized I didn't have my jeans on. "Aah!" I yell, surprised. "Where are my pants?"

My mother notions to a drawer. "Over there," She says. "On my hope chest. I've never seen purple underwear, before, Calvin." She grins.

I look at her strangely. "Calvin? Why do you keep calling me Calvin?" I asked, trying to keep my cool but not really doing a great job.

"Well, that's your name, isn't it? Lorraine asks me. "Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear!" She reaches to point it out but I yelp and cover the sheets tighter. She moves back a bit. "I guess they call you Cal, huh?"

I chuckle nervously. "Well, uh, people actually call me.. Marty." I say, gulping a bit.

She gives me an innocent sort-of like smile. "Oh. Well, pleased to meet you Calvin- Marty.. Klein." She moves over to my side of the bed. My breathing is hard from nervousness and my head is spinning. Was she making a pass at me?

"Is it okay if I sit here?" She asks me.

"No, fine, good, fine good." Is all I stutter out, probably sounding a little odd and maybe a bit tense.

Lorraine reaches out for my head and I try to back away as politely as I can from her. "Thats' a big bruise you got there.." She says to me. I yell and fall off the bed. "Lorraine, are you up there?" A woman from downstairs yells out. My mother's eyes widen. "Oh my god, that's my mother!" She exclaims, tossing my pants at me. "Quick! Put your pants back on!"

She takes one last look at me before leaving the room and I sigh out of relief internally. That was very.. awkward, to say the least. I throw on my pants back on as quickly as I can, but I accidentally trip over myself during it and fall to the floor. I sigh again, but out of exhaust. This was going to be a long night. 

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