Chapter Ten || Hill Valley, 1955

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 A while later, I finally arrive into Hill Valley, but it's much more different than I expected.

When I enter, the song "Mister Sandman" by the Four Aces is playing. All sorts of old retro things from the 50s filled the town. I cross the road as a man dressed in an older looking suit looks strangely at me. I hear a car horn honk at me and I continue walking, observing everything in sight. Everything here seemed so old.. but so new. This had to be some strange dream; maybe I had just crashed into the Libyans at the mall and was now suffering some pretty heavy head injuries or in some kind of coma. That was the only answer that made sense; things like this just didn't happen in real life. Damn it, if only Doc was still alive right now he could tell me what the hell was going on.

I continue walking across the courtyard and hear the loud chime of what I assumed was the clock tower. But that didn't make any sense.. the clock tower had stopped working awhile ago, way back in 1955. The time read 10:30PM and I feel like passing out. I had only been up for about 5 or 6 hours, but so many things happened in such amount of time. Doc was shot, and now... this. Had the DeLorean seriously taken me back in time? I think it had.

I'm about to faint but continue walking anyways. A van goes by, saying to "re-elect Mayor Red Thomas" and that "progress is his middle name". But that wasn't right, our mayor was Goldie Wilson... this made no sense. My brain searches for answers, trying to find a reasonable answer as for why this was all happening.

I stop in front of a trashcan for a minute, trying to process what was going on. A man places his newspaper in the trash behind me and I take it out of the trash, reading the date.

November 5th, 1955

"This has got to be a dream," I mutter. It was the only possible answer.

I look around the small town, trying to find a phone booth or anything to communicate with. Across the street, I see a small coffee shop. Automatically, I assume they would have a phone and I run into the store. "Hey kid, whats' with the life preserver?" The waiter behind the bar asked me. I look at him confused. "I just want to use the phone."

He smiles at me amused and points backwards. "Yeah, it's in the back."

I nodded nervously and run to where the phone was. I take the phone book and search for a bit before finding Doc's name. "Great, you're alive." I mutter, dialing his number. The phone rings for a little bit until my Casio watch starts going off and beeping. I stop it as quickly as I can, but a few people still give me some looks.

I wait a bit more for anyone to pick up but get no response. I slam the phone back in frustration and rip the page out of the phone book, and walk back to the counter.

"Do you know where 1640 Rivers-" I begin to ask the man at the counter but he interrupts me, annoyed. "Are you gonna order something, kid?"

I fold the paper and put it into my pocket. "Yeah," I say. "Gimme- gimme a tab."

He looks at me, something akin to confusion in his weary eyes. "Tab? I can't get you a tab unless you order something."

I sigh inwardly. "Right, give me a Pepsi Free." I say.

"If you want a pepsi, pal, you're going to pay for it."

Finally I grow a bit agitated. "Just give me something without sugar in it."

He looks at me and mutters, "Something without sugar."

I rub my neck, trying to act as casual as possible, but it was pretty difficult. After a second, he places a cup of coffee onto my plate. Not really what I wanted, but whatever.

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