Bot Fight ( Tadashi x Reader )

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(F/n) fake name.   - come up with a cool nickname for yourself ;)

(Y/n) your name. - so your real name.

I walked down the streets of San Fransokyo, heading towards a bot fight not too far from my apartment. The sky was dark and the air slightly chilly, I looked around the empty streets as I quickly made my way towards an alleyway.

Turning the corner, the sound of my shoes hitting the cement echoed as my black skinny jeans and hoodie almost made me blend into my dark surroundings. I kept my hood on as I looked in front of me, hearing the sounds of people talking getting louder. Once I appeared into the light everyone in the crowd turned my way.

"Finally! (F/n) where were you? We've all been waiting here to start the bot fight but how are we supposed to start without our hostess!" A man yelled as the crowd of people agreed with him.

"Calm down, I have things to do to ya know? The world doesn't revolve around you." I scoffed pulling my hood off revealing my face and (h/l) (h/c) hair.

A man named Yama glared at me as I walked towards the middle of the crowd pulling my hoodie off. After setting it down next to me I tied my hair up sticking chopsticks through my messy bun. "Ok then let's get started, who's going first?"

Of course Yama stepped up with his bot while his men smirked behind him. He took a seat on my left side and waited for an opponent. I placed my hands on my hip. "Come on people we don't have all night. " I deadpanned raising my brow to the crowd.

I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be in my lab at SFIT working on my new robotics project. No one could know I was a college student and that I went to SFIT so I would dress differently and wear an eye patch on my left eye. Changing my personality wasn't that hard either. I just acted tougher than I usually do and I drop my usual happy attitude.
I'm only here for one reason anyways, and it's to look out for a kid who could get into a lot of trouble with Yama.

A girl in pig tails with pink hair finally stood up and I sighed. 'Finally, the faster the people come up the faster this will end.' She sat down and I handed the fighters a plate as they put down their money. "Ready fighters?" Putting my umbrella between them I looked at each fighter, "Two bots in, one bot out. Ready! Fight!"

I watched as the girls bot knocked Yama's over and as she looked like she was about to win, but Yama's bot got back up and sliced hers in half. I smirked knowing that he would win before opening the plate and letting him take his money. That's when I heard a voice come from the crowd making me look up.

I knew it was him, and he needs to get out of here before something bad happens.

"Hey, beat it kid. You gotta pay to play." I said rudely, raising my brow at him.

"Oh I have money, is this enough?" The boy asked innocently showing me a hand full of scrunched up bills.

Cursing to myself I slowly handed him the plate as he puts his money down. Yama put his money in as well and started laughing. "What's your name kid?" His voice boomed.

"Hiro, Hiro Hamada." Hiro introduced with a awkward smile.

"Well Zero! Prepare to be annihilated!" Yama said with an evil grin.

Without waiting for my signal Yama activated his bot and destroyed Hiro's bot in the blink of an eye. Somewhat relieved, I handed Yama his money until Hiro said something that made me nervous.

"Wait! Can I try again? I have more money." He said holding up a stash of money.

Yama smirked adding more money to the plate and I handed the plate to Hiro as he gave me a smile and placed his money inside. This time giving me time to signal the fight I placed my umbrella in between them and yelled.

Big Hero Six One Shots Tadashi/Hiro + ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now