Part of your world: part 2 (Tadashi)

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I sat on a couch that sat in the corner of Tadashi's lab while I waited for him to grab some extra clothes. It was a very interesting place. There were little mechanical gadgets all over the place and blueprints scattered on his desk. Standing up from my spot on the couch, I walked around the lab. When a small cubed box caught my attention I picked it up and examined it.

It had lots of little buttons with numbers and words and I smiled liking the touch of the little squishy rubber. When I pressed the red button at the very top I jumped in surprise. The large screen in front of the couch had automatically turned on and I stared at it with wide eyes. Setting the box down I walk over to the screen and scanned my hand over it, seeing if anything would happen.

I watch as the people on the screen talked to each other, but I was so entranced by what I was watching I didn't hear the door to the lab open. "Oh my god! Tadashi is so nasty!" A voice gasped horrified making me jump for the second time.

I turned to look at the younger boy when I accidentally stepped on the long part of the blanket and fell on my butt, my feet getting tangled with the fabric. A loud gasp and thud came as I came into contact with the hard floor. "Were you and Tadashi doing something, inappropriate??" Hiro asked and I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright? I heard a, oh Hiro what are you doing here?" Tadashi said as he made his was back into his lab.

"Don't you think you have to explain this first?" Hiro said pointing at me.

"Why is there a stranger in your lab wearing only a blanket? And your blanket at that?" Hiro asked raising a brow.

"Where you guys,"

"Hiro no! Oh my god no. Baymax found her unconscious by the lake, we brought her back here and I was getting her some clothes to wear. Geez you knucklehead, if I had done something like that I would at least lock the door." Tadashi explained as he helped me up to my feet.

"Okay, makes more sense now." Hiro nods in understanding, the look of disgust gone from his face.

I smile at Hiro and wave which he awkwardly waved back. "So who's the mute?" Hiro whispered to Tadashi but I clearly heard.

"She's not a mute Hiro. Or at least she wasn't. She's the one who saved me from the fire, and her name is (y/n). " Tadashi says and Hiro's eyes go wide.

"No way." He says and I nod.

Tadashi hands me a SFIT hoodie and some sweatpants and I quickly go to the bathroom and change. When I'm done I make my way back to his lab where he is waiting with Hiro on the couch. "So (y/n) since you can't talk at the moment how about you write down what happened? We'll ask you questions and stuff." Tadashi says and I nod as I'm handed a notepad and pen.

"So are you human?" Tadashi asks and Hiro looks like him like he's crazy.

"What kind of question is that?"

I shake my head and Hiro gapes at me in shock. "See, now hush Hiro. Okay, what are you and what happened to you?" Tadashi asks and I write everything down.

'I'm a mermaid. I made a deal with a sea goddess so she could give me legs permanently. She tricked me and told me that all I had to sign and I could be a part of your world, but I should've known there would be a price to pay. Magic always comes with a price.'

After showing them I flip the page and continue writing.

'My price was my voice. But there a catch. In order to keep my legs I have to get a true loves kiss from the person I love by sundown in three days. If I don't, I'll lose my voice and legs forever.'

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