Voting results

53 1 0

So everybody answered the question correctly. Here are the results
5 Max
1 Harambe  (Thanks animegirl294)
0 Ross
Now so Max won the first voting section. Which helps me actually update the book. Now that I have a total I can decide fates and whatnot. Now for your sole entertainment purpose I'm going to share with you some dreams I've had in the month of February.
I met Paris Hilton. Or maybe Brittney Spears. I don't know but it was a celebrity. She had medium length blonde hair. (Went to her boobs.) She had blue rye shadow and red lipstick. I only remember meteing her.

I think I had a lucid dream last night. I don't remember much of it but I remember reading an exit sign that said I am dreaming. That's all I remember  as I was woken up during a rem cycle from a call from my mom most likely and that's what caused the lucid dream. But when I woke up I forgot to write it down. Oh wait. So after I read the exit sign saying that I turned around and got really excited. I calmed myself down though but I think I woke myself up.
   I know that I don't do this but I've been thinking about this dream for a while and I think I can explain it in full detail. So I believe it went down like this.
I was walking down the school hallway. Highschool     hallway went I look up at  the exit sign. It says 'I am dreaming.' I turn around and I get all excited. I then look down at my hands trying to calm myself down. I then start thinking on who I would kill. That's all I remember.

So I had a dream last night and I forgot to write it down. But I remember it because it was so short.
I was sitting in the passenger seat of a car. But I wasn't in my own body. I was looking at my face. I was shocked.

So I had multiple dreams this night. I had about 4 and it's hard to remember them all. I finally remembered to write them down as soon as I qay up. So the first I can remember was the characters of The Loud House. All I remember is the character Lori getting mad at Lincoln. My next dream was a little weird. So I walk out into our carport and my dad  was like "we're so getting this computer." And he put the magazine on top of our red car. He had pointed to a white computer that he say was waterproof. "We have to order it right now." He ordered it and the next thing I know is that I'm holding it in my hand.
"So the red computer is truly mine?"
"Yeah sure."
It starts raining.
"So I can take it out there?"
"Yeah but you're not." And he takes the computer from me. I'm now holding the red computer we have bur sideways. Next My aunt and uncles show up in a car. They ask something my dad responds and they all pile back into the car. My next dream involved Henry Danger. I remember Henry and Piper in two different hottubs. It hard to describe but basically they were taking baths in     
hottubbed shaped bathtubs in a big elegantly decorated area. Cjarollete was in another one. I remember thinking in my dream how that worked. But anyways. They didn't make it home in time for bath time. As they're parents started up the bath already and hired a security guard. So when the guard looked away they jumped in. Charotte appeared again angry. That dream ending. The next one was about a character. Let's call her melody. She was in the dining hall and she sit at the table in the middle amongst many other tables. She notices servants start putting plates on the table on the other side of the room.
"Execuse me miss. You must sit overhere."
"Oh okay."
They walk over an feed her with several foods. She only eat a little though. She left and a fat king walked in and finished all her food. He left and Wallin to a very crappie and small room. There was  an Asian comedian there the n my pov changed. I'm now in the teenage daughter pov. Her name was Shay. She sat down and she had a sign on herself. Then I was no longer looking in her eyes I was lookin from the side. The sign said 'homeless and poor men is what I like.' The Asian Comedian was entranced by the girl and was like
"I'm sorry everyone. But I must now marry Ms.  ... I don't know her last name. But her first name is Shay."
That dream ends there. The last dream  I can remember having took place a school. I was getting beefsteak with sydney. It was a round serving table and they had a cash register. I pay then the ne Next thing I know I'm heading towards the ramp. But the ramp had a bunch of pills piled up and some people told me not to go over there. They were playing basket ball with pillows. I went over anyways and sat down. Then I laid against one of the pillows and fell asleep. I woke up and that's all I remember.

So last night I had a dream. The dream consisted of me in my house and I walk to the kitchen. My mom's in the bedroom and it's dark outside. I had the kitchen light on and I look in the cabinet. I turn my head to the right and I see two heads and 2 pairs of eyes. It looks like they were trying to catch my attention. They also looked like they were high. They were pointing towards my back door and trying to get me to unlock it. But I really didn't want to. Every sign in my head said no. But I unlocked it anyway.
They run in and take away all the weapons in the house. They take cellphones that work too. So i run to my parents bedroom and start to dial 911. Butni cannot for the life of me press the buttons. And Oliver was spamming me. So one of the people walk in with a flashlight and shine it on me. 'Oh I was just texting.' I said. I put the phone in my pPocket and walk to the dining room. Dream transitions and I'm now outside my grandma's house. I had to go on a date with one of the kidnappers. It was inside my grandma's house. I walk in. The guy was black in my dream and it looked like one if my classmates. But the fact that I was forced to date my kidnapper. I ran to the bathroom and puked. Then I woke up. I told my mom we need to get curtains in the kitchen.


    I had a dream that I couldn't turn off my mom's alarm. The actual alarm I had came into my dream . Also Sydney drove me around in the dream. We bought food.

That's all the dreams I've had in February enjoy the 1239 words this story is

That's all the dreams I've had in February enjoy the 1239 words this story is

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