chapter twenty-four

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"You know, we should have done this a week ago." Melanie snapped from the passenger seat of Wylde's car, which was being driven by Dean. Sam and Kyle sat in the back seat, and Kyle was grilling Sam with questions about the history of Nephilim, his voice fast and excited as he asked a list of questions that had probably been keep him up nightly. Melanie looked back a couple times, surprised that he didn't have a scroll in his hands, but was shooting these questions out from his memory.

"I know." Dean replied under his breath, glaring out the windshield with darting eyes, trying to figure out where the hell to go. Suddenly, one of the tires struck a large pothole in the road and the car tipped sideways for a couple seconds and landed roughly back onto all fours, making Melanie careen back and forth, nearly slamming her temple against the window.

She steadied herself then gave Dean a glare, who ignored her completely.

There was a lot of tension that was like a tight wire between them, and both of them knew that it existed. Melanie could feel Dean's anger that radiated off of him in waves, and he did nothing to hide it.

Melanie knew exactly what he was mad at-or more importantly who he was mad at.


For letting Wylde go.

He was also mad at her father for convincing her to let him go.

Melanie also knew Dean wasn't very good with directions since he had been taking multiple U-turns, detours and wrong roads whilst he cursed and slammed his fists against the groaning steering wheel.

"Do you need me to drive?" Sam asked as he leaned between the two front seats, giving Dean a worried look. Dean shook his head and mumbled something under his breath as he jerked the steering wheel to the right and drove them down a gravel road that went on for what looked like forever and dived straight first into a dark, whispering forest. The trees towered high and reached out toward each other, all crying long frozen tears that dangled, crystallized, from the branches. There wasn't much car tracks in the snow that was thickly layered on the ground - but Melanie could make out a faint track that probably belonged to John from earlier.

They had exited Portland over an hour ago, and now, Dean was navigating the back roads trying to find a log cabin where a small group of werewolves were located. John was already there, and had called Dean up to make his way over.

They were supposed to meet and talk about forming an alliance in this war that was destined to break out any day now a long time ago, but things, like Elias, had gotten in the way and time was running thinner by each second, so they had no choice but to do so now, because if they didn't group up now, it would be never.

Melanie had chewed her nails to the nub by now with anticipation.

Wylde was gone and on the other side, her own flesh and blood, Isabel, was also on the other side and the war was supposed to happen in a matter of days.

And Melanie didn't know what the hell to do.

The ride was becoming silent-even Kyle had taken a breath and stopped talking. Melanie didn't want silence. She wanted sound, she wanted something that would take her mind off of everything that has happened, was supposed to happen, and is going to happen.

Without hesitation, she leaned forward and jabbed the radios buttons, turning on the CD that was in the player. An alternative sounding song clicked on and she leaned back, satisfied. She stared out to the passing trees, trying to look between the towering trunks and see beyond the barrier - but there was nothing.

After a while, she closed her eyes and let the lyrics to the song carry her away. The melodic sound lifted her up in to the air and carried her from the car and out of the world that seemed to want to destroy her.

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