chapter seventeen

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"I don't know what you're talking about." Melanie said dryly as she stood motionless, her feet bolted to the floor beneath her. She didn't know what she felt at that moment; shock? Yes, she was in shock, she realized. Her body was frozen, her mind was whirling in circles while her stomach failed to digest the information.


Her mind tried to wrap around the concept, but it was unfathomable, hard to stomach.

She felt her body lurch, and it was all she could do to keep from vomiting.

"Melanie," Sam stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder reassuringly. The mere contact made her jump, as if he had electrocuted her and sent a shock wave throughout her body, but she stayed put with invisible nails driven through each toe, keeping her from moving. She longed to step backwards, out of his reach, but her feet refused to move, despite her mind that screamed at them to do so. "I'm your dad, I created you with the mom you grew up to know who is in fact, your actual mother."

"So what you're saying," Wylde intervenes with a stiff voice as he stepped forward, shoulder to shoulder with Melanie, and glowered into Sam's eyes, who looked not a least bit afraid or intimidated by Wylde. Melanie looked over to Wylde to see his shoulders broad and wide, and his torso that fell down gracefully to his waist, then his long, strong legs. He stood tall and mighty, like he ruled the world and every soul on it. "is that you are the Sammis, brother of Elizar, who was killed centuries ago?" Sammis nodded curtly, his face bleak. Wylde stared at him in awe, but the look was quickly gone, and he continued to speak as if nothing had happened, like realization had smacked him across the face. Hard. "And also, that Melanie, who is supposedly your daughter, is a nephilim? Correct me if I'm wrong, but, her mom is a human, and you are an angel, and when you two - you know had sex - and out sprung Melanie and her twin, Melanie turned out to be the Nephilim, but not Isabel. What about Isabel? How come she's a human?"

Wylde brought up a good point, and Melanie recalled the time when he spent nearly thirty minutes explaining to her how she was basically a anomaly, not meant to be born, a doppelganger, and now, when her "dad" stands before her, claiming otherwise, she cant help but feel torn between two stories. With a skeptical eye, Melanie watched Sam, watched the way his eyes seemed to burrow through him like worm holes; they were empty, but yet, full of life. After his grand entrance, he seemed like a holy god that had came down from heaven, but now, he looks like an ordinary - but attractive - guy, in his late thirties to early forties. He wore a pair of jeans and a fitted T-shirt, with his hair on the longer side, and a platinum blonde, but other than that, looked pretty natural. The only thing that seemed off about him was his demeanor and his eyes that glowed a golden and shimmered with each darting glance. If you were standing in a room full of people with this dude, you would be able to pick him out easilly.

"Have you heard of the term 'superfecundation'?" Sam asked with a challenging voice, as if he had his whole argument lined up behind him and was ready to shoot down Wylde's story in a heartbeat. If he were to be holding a brief case and dressed in a million dollar suit, Melanie could have mistaken him for a defense attorney.

"No, I haven't." Wylde answered gruffly. Melanie hadn't heard of it either, and the name itself sounded complex, and like something she would struggle to understand. Despite her doubts, she listened anyway.

"It's the process where the females egg is fertilized with two males sperm cells, hence, mine, and Isabel's father's. Melanie was born a nephilim, Isabel, a mortal. It's very rare for identical twins, almost impossible actually. But when an angel is involved, we can pull a few tricks." He finished off his explanation with words of sarcasm, and a hint of cockiness, and topped that off with a screwed smirk that tipped up the edge of his mouth, making Wylde scowl.

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