chapter fourteen

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The house was completely quiet when Melanie entered it.

She closed the door softly behind her and shrugged off her jacket and hung it on the hook next to the door, she then unlaced and slid off her boots that had large clots of snow stuck on the rims from when she was pushing through the storm.

Once she had made it nearly a block away from home, the snow had started to really come down on her; thick and heavy flakes that were accumulating together and taking up most of the mass of the sky.

"Guys?" Melanie called out into the house as she started to walk forward, her footsteps the only sound throughout the home. There was no answer. "Dean?...Wylde?" Melanie called out again, and this time she walked at a quicker pace to the corner and peered around to see that the kitchen and living room were completely empty.

The house's vibe was eerie and Melanie couldn't help but feel the hairs on the back of her neck raise on its ends and her flesh to be consumed with goosebumps. Melanie let out a slow breath and stepped out into the opening of the room and looked around and then above her to the balcony, but all the rooms were shut and no movement went on up there.

"Seems we're alone." A voice said from behind her, making her spin on her heel and whip around quickly. She found herself face to face with a tall, blonde haired boy who was smiling at her, his eyes a piercing yellow that almost resembled a snakes. Melanie wanted to take a step backwards, but she stood straight and tall, pressing her lips together tightly.

"Who are you?" She hissed between her teeth while clenching her fists at her sides.

"Oh, yeah, that's right." He laughed coldly. "You don't remember me." Melanie looked at him with narrowed eyes, but she didn't move, even thought she tried her hardest. She willed her body to step backwards, to try and lash out and run, but she was frozen. "My name is Elias, I'm sure you've heard of me."

When he spoke his name, all Melanie could wonder was what the hell was he doing inside the house if it was protected. The rune was supposed to keep him out, and now he was standing right in front of her with his yellow eyes watching her.

"That rune has nothing against me." He said, as if reading her mind, which she had no doubt that he didn't, in fact, read her mind. "I'm more powerful than you think, since, I am the most powerful head demon's son."

Elizar. Melanie wanted to say, but her mouth couldn't form the words, let alone speak them.

"Yes, Elizar." Elias said, taking a step forward and slowly walking around her. She waited for him to appear back in front of her, but he stopped behind her, and she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. "You know that saying, like mother like daughter? It goes the same way for men; like father like son. I'll someday get your blood, Melanie Lockhart, if it's the last thing I do." He reached around her and Melanie felt something sharp being pressed at the tip of her neck, and it took her a moment to realize that it wasn't a knife, but his pointer nail.

He slowly made his way back around her and he lifted his finger and trailed it down the side of her face, smiling softy at her. There was a sting that surfaced on her flesh, and she realized he had cut her with his nail. A warm liquid seeped from the wound and dripped down her cheek. Melanie bit the inside of her lip to keep from wincing.

"And I'll make sure, that my father becomes the ruler, and I'll follow right behind him."

Then everything went black.

Melanie groggily awoke and opened her eyes . She had to blink a few times to rid of the blurry edges around her vision and hazy veil over her eyes. She looked up into a bright light, only to realize, it was the sun. Quickly, Melanie sat up and felt her head spin, but she looked around to see that she was lying in a contorted position on the snowy sidewalk and that a group of concerned people surrounded her, watching her.

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