chapter twenty-nine

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this is the second to last chapter!!! :D and it's a long one for you guys. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!


"I don't know about you guys, but for surprises," Wylde stepped forward and Melanie felt his shoulder brush against hers. If it hadn't been for the situation they were in, it would have sent a shock wave throughout her body. "But this one takes the cake." Isabel looked at Wylde and Melanie saw that her once green eyes were now a shade darker and bitter.

"I've had enough of you, quite honestly." She said to him and she cocked her head, eying him head to toe. "You can get really annoying."

Melanie watched her sister with surprised eyes, but as each crawling moment passed, it was sinking in, deeper and deeper she felt herself being dragged beneath the waves. She was still in shock, but it wasn't enough to break her.

That's what they want. Melanie told herself as she clenched her fists at her sides and tightened her jaw. They want you to break.

But that wasn't going to happen.

The only thing that was going to be breaking here was necks.

"What are you doing here, Isabel." Melanie said, not even in a question, but demanding an answer. Isabel looked at her sister, and all Melanie could think was, does she even know that they're sisters? What lies did they feed to her?

"I'm here to kill you guys." She said, as if they were the simplest words to be spoken. There was no strain behind them, no sign of fighting from her to bite them back-she truly did want to kill her twin sister.

"Do you know who I am?" Melanie asked, her voice an exact opposite of how she felt inside; strong and sturdy. She tried her damn hardest to not let her voice break, but a hint of cracking was showing behind the facade. Isabel laughed, and it took all of Melanie's strength not to dwell on how familiar it sounded.

"Of course I do, sis." She stepped forward and instantly, Wylde's arm shot out and blocked Melanie and he pointed his gun toward Isabel with his finger teasing the trigger.

"Stay back." He warned, glaring at her. Isabel stopped in her tracks and smirked at him. It was the evilest of grins Melanie had ever seen her sister wear. "If you step any closer I wont hesitate to shoot your brains out."

"Oh dear," Isabel teased. "Sounds painful. Go ahead, kill me, see what your beloved girl friend will do." Wylde pressed his lips together and narrowed his eyes at Isabel and Melanie watched as his finger hovered over the trigger, making her heart beat inside her throat. She bit the inside of her lip and raked through her mind-there had to be another way. There had to be a way to save Isabel. Her safety was the incipient of all of this-and Melanie wasn't going to let her life go to waste.

"Wylde don't." Melanie whispered, her voice hoarse.

"Melanie," John's voice sounded from beside her. "I know she's your sister, but we can't risk her killing you-"

"She's my sister." She hissed. "I lost family already, I'm not letting another one go. And besides," She looked at John and her voice was so quiet, she wasn't sure he even heard her. "This isn't how it's supposed to go."

"See," Isabel spoke up and she began to slowly step forward, her boots crushing the snow that she plowed through. Wylde flinched and drew closer to Melanie, his shoulder almost bumping into her chin. "We all knew it would work. You can't kill me, you can never kill me. It's funny though, because just as usual, I'm the exact opposite as you-I can slice a knife across your throat and not feel a thing."

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