chapter thirty

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This is the FINAL chapter ASDFGHJKL:


A large battle between the good and evil underworlders that had escaped through the portal, accompanied by Melanie's group, raged on in the backdrop-but Melanie found it hard to focus on anything at the moment. Elizar, who was once an innocent woman-or so Melanie thought-stood before her, dressed in all black with weapons fastened to his body and a smirk pulling at his mouth.

"What a wonderful surprise." Melanie murmured, though her words were totally sarcastic, Elizar smiled as if it were a real compliment.

"I know, it's just as if the surprises never stop for you. Knowing that you were totally oblivious to the malice that was right next to you? It makes you feel ignorant doesn't it." Elizar nodded his head to someone behind Melanie and before Melanie could stop anything horrible from happening, like being held back against her will, Melanie put in effort to try and escape, but long fingers wrapped around her biceps and pulled her back, slamming her against a chest. She grunted as the collision stole the breath from her lungs and made her head sway.

"The best part about the whole witch thing is that your little pendant can't do a thing to my son, so he can kill you no matter what spell is placed on it." Melanie pressed her lips together, but she kept quiet and raked through her mind for any idea on how to kill these two, one being connected to her by a bond that made his pain hers.

This is it. Melanie thought to herself. This is the moment the whole world has been waiting for. The weight of the situation rested on her shoulders and she felt like she could crumble beneath it at any given moment.

You can do this. A voice spoke in the back of her mind, almost sounding to far off to recognize, but close enough to understand. Melanie took a deep breath then let it back out steadily through her parted lips.

"If Elias kills me, what do you plan on doing?" Melanie inquired, already knowing the answer. He wasn't planning on letting his son take over-he wanted it all to himself. He was one greedy bastard, Melanie knew that for certain.

There was a long silence between them, besides the screaming, clashing and slicing that went on around them, of course. The whole entire street was filled with people, all fighting for their lives, for their world-for the world. Rubber-skinned demons and ruby eyed umbra fought against werewolves, vampires, shape shifters and witches-about any creature you could remember from bedtime stories you were told as a child. "You're going to kill him, aren't you?" Melanie said, glaring at him. Elias' clutch tightened on Melanie's arms, and she tried not to whimper in the grip that felt like it would rip her flesh right from her body at any moment.

"Me?" Elizar looked in utter shock as he pointed his finger at himself. "I would never. I couldn't bring myself to kill my own family."

"You killed mom." Elias' disguised voice spoke from behind Melanie as Isabel's fingers tightened even more on Melanie's arm, making her wince. "She was our family."

Melanie sensed a feeling of almost pain and betrayal inside Elias' voice, and she knew that she was lighting something inside of Elias, and that was an advantage on her part.

"I killed her because she was in the way of what we wanted-"

"Of what you wanted." Elias growled, his voice breaking through Isabel's. Slowly, his fingers began to loosen their grip on Melanie and she tried not to take advantage of the situation, and let him let her go on his own time. Slowly, his fingers were no longer in contact with her, and he stepped around her, blocking her view from Elizar. Melanie quickly stepped backwards and away from the situation and tried her damn hardest to come up with a plan, but nothing was popping in her head.

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