Chapter Fifty Four

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Tremaine Neverson

"What's going on?" Layla asked as the kids came downstairs. Each were crying. Lyvone carried Kobe trying to calm him as well.

The look on my eyes left me know that they were fearful too. If I'm scared, it reflects on the kids in every way possible.

"Sit down." They all sat on the couch.
"Well Kera has to go away for a while. She isn't happy and was taking 'medication' that wasn't good for her. So what I need you all to do is be brave and strong for her."

I had to keep it simple for the kids but I'm pretty sure Lyvone, Jayden and Layla knew what type of 'medication' I was talking about.

"Will mommy come back?" Adrian asked.

"Yea, she just has to see the doctors for a while."

Layla walked upstairs upset, I was too.

Three months later.

They were keeping Kera for a while. I didn't know what 'a while' meant but it didn't sound like a short time. The kids were doing okay now, but those first few days were the hardest.
The rehabilitation center she's in, I checked it out. It's a nice place but I wish she was home with me and the kids. Visitations are twice a month, but last month I didn't go. Usually it's depending on how she's (the patient's) feeling. But I was going today with Kera's brother and father. Despite what Darrien and I had in the past we both knew pointing the finger, and being angry at a time like this was unacceptable. Now we put our differences aside for the sake of his daughter and the love of my life.

As we got our name tags we met up with Kera's doctor team, the people that have been working and observing with her. It felt extremely strange being here but this is one of those do or die moments.

"Welcome." Darrien, Brayden and I walked in the office.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Each of of said as we shook Dr. Patricia's hand.


Patricia went to her desk and we sat in the chairs across from it. She seemed like she was organized and about her work but I hope she has good news to tell us about my baby.

"How is she doing?" Darrien asked.

"You know when Kera first came here, she was frightened and worried as most of her patients are. About her body and the pills she was taking, the first month took a lot to you know, flush her body out. But with so many pills she was overdosing on, it's dehydrating her body which makes her weak, her muscles not want to function as properly. And those first nights it was okay, I mean she sort of cooperated. And within these two months she is doing so much better physically and mentally. She wants help." Patricia explained.

"Can we see her?" Bray asked a follow up question.

"Yeah, but just brace yourself you know don't put to much on her. And I'm just her main doctor I'm not the doctor that does the flushing and all. But I'll give you the packet which tell what we do, her schedule and all. And I witness people come here and are worst, but with this being one of the top places in California."

We all nodded taking the packets.

"Okay I'll bring you to her room."

Patricia got up just as we shook her hand once more and thanked her.

As we entered the room, her other doctors walked out after talking to Patricia for a split second. I said a small prayer before going in there because again I didn't know what to expect.

As Darrien talked to one of her doctors down the hall I enter her room seeing her facing the opposite direction I was. She had a walker but I thought it looked cute on her as she gazed at the sun light outside the window.

"Hey." I said. She turned around looking at me before speaking again.

"Hey." She smiled weakly.

I went up to her pecking her lips up until it was a full blown kiss, a kiss I hadn't had in two months from the love of my life. Kera is the love of my life and I'm pretty sure she feels the same other wise we both would have moved on.

"I love you so much." She wrapped her small hands around me.

"I love you too Trey."

And she finally said it. Sober and all. I know when she was taking the drugs her true feelings came out, that's why she did what she did. But now she's clean for two months and these are true feelings.

Her dad walked in smiling and her face lit up but was a little confused being that she knew him and I didn't like each other. But over these fews months talking about Kera with him brought us closer, as it should be. All pettiness is out the door. We're both men not boys.

"Hey dad." She kissed his cheek.

"I'm glad to see you up and better, baby girl." He kissed her forehead.

"Did you eat?" I asked as we all sat down.

"Dinner should be in a hour. How are the kids?"

"They miss you, Layla is getting better."

"Bray you moved yet?"

"Still trying baby sis. The law firm up there and the kids with school..."

"Glad to see you two worked it out." She says smilingly. She honestly looked better.

"Yeah we put our differences aside. As it should be, we're both men and you mean the world to us." She placed a thumbs up.

"My favorite men." She giggled.

"You're better and that's all that matters Kera. Whatever they did work but you also helped yourself by sticking with this and I'm proud of you. I may have not liked Trey in the beginning but he's a great man for you babygirl. He cares for you, and everyone makes mistakes I made mistakes too but we grow from them at all times. Most important. I wouldn't want this any other way than to see my baby girl happy."

She had small tears in her eyes. I smiled and kissed her right hand.

"Thanks." Darrien and I dapped.

"Next time you should bring the kids."

"I will, Kobe knows you're gone because he's been cranky daily."

"Awe my poor baby."

(Authors Note)
I apologize for this chapter being so short I promise to make the next chapter longer. Thanks for the comments and love 💕 Hopefully no one is confused on these chapters lately ...

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