Chapter Sixty Eight

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Kera Montana Wendell

"She's coming!" I heard Adrian whisper|yell as I step down on the last steps.

When I finally made it down all my babies even Layla were down here. The table was filled with breakfast: hash browns, pancakes, eggs, sausage and bacon plus picture of orange juice. A couple balloons were floating around and the homemade banner that said happy birthday. Terrence and mama were were helping set up the table a little more.

"Happy birthday mom!" They all shouted. I big smile spread across my lips.

"Thanks guys everything looks & smells good."

"I did the heart shape pancakes all by myself." Kobe says enthusiastically.

"Awe thank you Kobe, thanks guys." I kissed his lips as he smiled too. Layla fixed me a plate of food, and then helped Kobe and herself as the rest fixed their own. Mama kissed my forehead and we then said grace.

"I hope you know mama, I don't want a extravagant party and all."

"Yeah I know but your gonna love every surprise today." She said pouring some hazelnut creamer in her coffee. "Is Tristan coming?"

"No." I begin to pout a bit because he couldn't even make my birthday, he has a important meeting in Denver.

"Kera are you pouting?"

"No." I lied stuffing my face with cheese eggs.


"All gifts are coming later, I repeat all gifts are coming later and that includes everyone's." Adrian announced after biting his bacon.

"You mean to tell me I have to wait?"

"Yup." Kobe cosigned.

"You better eat up, and feed my great grand baby wow sounds weird to say that." Mama said to Layla was busy eating too.

"It does." I agreed.

"And this is her favorite meal— breakfast, everything else she hates and guess who has clean up duty..." Terrence says as we laugh at Layla's facial expression toward him.

"Next I gotta plan a baby shower & Adrian is going to middle school next year because the school year almost over. All too much." Mama said.

"Mama I'm planning the baby shower and so is Terrence's mom." I said nicely, because I really wanted too. This was my first grandchild.

"I can still help." She nudges me in the arm. I open my messages trying to reply to some of my happy birthday messages from everyone.


"Slay baby dolls." My glam team member Antwan said to the girls. They wanted they're hair done– which was just a touch up since they were already naturally curly.

"Thank you." Allisya flipped her hair.

"I think you should wear the light blue jeans instead and maybe add a sparkly boo." Antwan suggested.

"Yeah great idea A." They gave him a high five and went to go change. Will I was getting pampered in my bedroom by my glam team. Which includes makeup and hair.

After mama, Layla, the twins and I went out to get manicures and pedicures plus a massage at this great place mama booked privately. Terrence and the boys went somewhere else. We were back home, and now it was almost four. The next surprise I had no idea of. Mama just said she had a lot of them today.

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