Chapter Four

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Kera Neverson

With no luck for the past day of looking for my daughter, it I broke my heart that she felt as if running away from home was her escape or only option. I just hope she's somewhere safe, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if something happened to any of my kids.

Currently the younger ones were in the movie theater watching some cartoon movie, and Jayden was out and about.

I grabbed a tissue from the box wiping my nose, I'd cried last night, all through the night and this morning. What if she wasn't safe? That kept ringing in my head and there isn't anything more I can do about it.

Trey's arms wrapped around me in a soothing manor. I let him hold me up until I turned around. We had that husband-wife telepathy so we knew what each other was thinking right then and there. He knew I wouldn't take this well and neither did he, he was heartbroken too.

"She's gonna come back, if not we'll find her." He kissed my forehead bringing my body towards his. "Did you eat?"

"Not since yesterday's breakfast." I told him honestly, I knew I had to eat but I didn't want to knowing my daughter might not be. He looked at me intensely before leaving out of the room. I sat on the bed rubbing my arms together. That's what I do when I'm nervous, scared or upset. I got up and checked myself in the mirror, I didn't know what I looked like, I haven't been focus, I hadn't checked on my store I'm all types of fucked up.

Seeing my reflection in the mirror said a lot to me. It was almost as if I didn't recognize myself, but how would you feel if your daughter, son, child was lost? Put yourself in my shoes.

I grabbed my face towel trying to wash my face from my washed out makeup and blood shot eyes. After I did so I walked out stumbling to the bed. I felt dizzy and wobbly probably because I wasn't eating or drinking like I should be. Once I made it to the bed without falling I cuddled up in the warm blankets turning the tv onto the movie channel. Trey came upstairs with food but I honesty wasn't in the mood to eat.

"Trey..." I whined.

"Kera..." He retorted back in the same tone.


"Montana." I rolled my eyes, "you still have to eat baby, that would be another problem if you passed out or something from not eating."

He placed the tray on my lap sitting at the foot of the bed watching me, I guess he knew me too well. I bite a piece of the turkey sandwich watching him crawl towards me.

Before any sudden movement we heard glass shattered and screaming from the kids. Trey got up to see what that was.

"Who did it?" Trey yelled.

"Avanni hit me!" Allisya said crying out.

"Avanni did you hit your sister?"


"Yes you did." Adrian says.

"Avanni are you lying?" She started mumbling under her breath of the verge of tears.

"Go to your room, timeout now!" She cried her way all the way towards her door.

Tremaine Neverson

"Daddy my arms hurts!" Allisya says whiningly.

"I know baby, we going to the doctors tomorrow. I promise baby girl." I picked her up just as Adrian followed me into the bedroom. Adrian sat by his mommy just as I took her into the bathroom.

I removed the bandaid from her arm, seeing that it was full of blood. She silently cried to herself. I kissed her forehead grabbing the rash cream from the medical cabinet.

"Why did Avanni hit you?" I asked placing her little body on my lap.

"Because I took her sour patch kids." I shook my head tickling her little body. She finally let out a little smile. After replacing her bandaid I made a mental note to myself to keep her from school tomorrow to get her arm checked out, and usually that takes a while.

I carried her back into the bedroom, seeing Adrian snuggled up to his mom knocked out that quick.

Good thing they already took they're baths before the movie started. I checked my Rolex seeing it was a little past they're bedtime. I grabbed Adrian and Allisya into they're rooms and tucking them in.

"Avanni come here." She wiped her tears walking slowly over to me.

"You don't hit your sister, you hear me Avanni. Do it again and Ima send you to grandma's, understand?"

"Yes." She sniffles.

Layla Neverson

The peanut butter from my sandwich got stuck on the roof of my mouth. I swallow some ice water from the bottle, turning me head seeing Major come in. He looked terrible, his clothes were ripped, he had a black eye, scars on his face, and a couple blood spots. My heart immediately started beating at a unusual rate and I was worried shitless.

"Major, W-What happened?" I asked running towards him checking his face.

"I got jumped after school." I grabbed his hand bringing him into the kitchen for some ice packs and wet towel.
"None of my boys was with me so what could I do? It was just me."

"Why, what did you do? Who was it?" I say wiping the blood from his lips.

"Your brother...."

– Authors Note
I just wanted to say stay tuned because I'm bringing in the heat 🔥. I won't give any types of details so just bare with me and I'll try to update more often.

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