Dallas Winston

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Dallas and I were walking up the steps to the Curtis house to hang out, our fingers intertwined together. Each step we took up the stairs he reached over and kissed my cheek multiple times, making me feel butterflies.

As I opened the screen door I saw Darry, Soda, PonyBoy, Steve, Johnny, and TwoBit crowded in the living room, around the coffee table playing cards.

Dallas and i's hand still intertwined, we stepped over the guys on the floor and took a seat on the couch. Dallas then put an arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him, and showering me with kisses on my cheek, making me blush again.

I slightly saw a few glances coming from the guys but it didn't bother me.

" If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy." Dallas whispered in my ear, giving me chills. I blushed and smiled at him, he was so sweet it made me giggle.

I was sitting next to Dallas on the couch still watching the guys play when Dallas started to kiss my jaw line.

" your so beautiful babe." He whispered in my ear. Then he repeatedly kept saying sweet nothings in my ear. Making me get chills.

" stop flirting dal, your ruining the mood." Steve pleaded, getting nods from the guys.

" oh I'm ruining the mood Steve? I'm sorry to break it to you but aren't I the one with the most gorgeous, sweet girlfriend here. If you want to keep your girl you gotta make her special everywhere ya go, man."

Dallas said looking around to the guys.

" i love you so much babe." I said to him, just so he could hear. He smiled at me for what felt like forever.

" You're so beautiful you made me forget my pick up line." He said in the most sweet way. Then turned to look at the guys, who just made kissing faces and hearts with their hands.

" Get a room!"

" where did ya learn those lines dal?"

Where a few of the responses we got. Dallas just ignored them and turned to me.

" I'm sorry I forgot something, take notes boys!" He said glancing at the guys.

He passionately kissed me on the lips, softly. He made me blush and get butterflies, just like he always does. That's why I'm so in love with him.

" you're cute when you flirt." I mumbled into his lips. He smiled as our lips still touched, he then cupped my face and kissed me again.


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