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R o b L o w e
You and Rob had been best friends your whole lives, then you had started dating. It seemed like right after you decided to start a relationship,he became very popular for movies.
You were glad he was living his dream, except he hardly ever saw you.
"Rob, I just don't know about us anymore, it's so hard, I hardly ever see you." You mumbled.
"I know it's the hardest thing ever, but we need to make it work,"
You thought for a moment. You had to say something that was on the tip of your tongue.
"Maybe the best thing for both of us is, we each take our own time. Just be best friends again." With every word, your voice cracked from sadness.
He stepped closer to you. "But I don't want to be away from you. Ever."
"Me either. But if it's meant to be it will happen."
You backed away because your voice was trembling with sadness.
He grabbed you pulling you back towards him.
"It's meant to be and I'm not going anywhere, if I do your coming with me."
You were about to say something when he cut you off. His warm lips were against yours. Then you felt cold rain start to hit your body.