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P o n y B o y
PonyBoy hadn't been acting himself. You knew something was off, it was just instinct. You two had been best friends since a very early age. He always knew when something was up with you and you with him.
He just got back after worrying the whole gang. Him and Johnny got into some trouble and left for awhile. Long story short poor Johnny is in the hospital after being heroic and PonyBoy is depressed.
You decided you should talk to him about it. Darry and Soda left for work along with the other guys being somewhere in town.
PonyBoy was standing near the window, looking outside. You walked to join him.
"PonyBoy you and I know we are both always completely honest with each other. So I just wanna keep it simple and tell you if somethings on your mind you can tell me. I'll be here for you,"
He glanced over as you talked. Catching every word, comprehending it.
"I'm always here." You finished.
He looked back down at the ground as you looked over at him.
"I just- It's hard with Johnny being gone. He's going through so much, I feel sorry for him. He doesn't deserve it at all," He looked up.
You sighed. "There's no way in the world Johnny Cade deserves what he got. But,"
He looked up at your words.
"There's no way a good soul like PonyBoy Curtis should have to deal with it either." You tried to slightly smile at him, bring his mood up a bit.
He stared at you with deep emotion in his eyes. He didn't know what to say. and truthfully, you didn't either.
You leaned into him, bringing your arms to wrap around him. You relaxed at his warm touch. He responded by wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, pulling you even closer to him.