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C T h o m a s H o w e l l ; i m a g i n e
You were just sitting at your house. You didn't have any plans. Your thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing.
You sat up and went to the door. You opened it to see your best friend, Tommy.
"Hey Tommy, what are you doing here?"
He ran his hands through his hair.
"Well I just came here because I wanted to tell you, I'm in love with you. I've always been. I just had to tell you because I couldn't hold it in any longer,"
Your heart skipped a beat.
"Tommy I'm so surprised because all my life, I've loved you too. I just didn't want to ruin our friendship," you giggled.
"That's the reason I didn't tell you. But, oh well, I love you so much that I wouldn't let that happen."
You blushed. And pulled him closer towards you. Bringing him in the house.
You smiled. And pulled him into a tight hug.
Your arms were around his neck and he held you close around your waist.
He pulled away from the hug, and looked into my eyes. Then he leaned in. You closed your eyes. A few seconds later You felt his warm lips against yours.