( Can we just pretend SodaPop didn't drop out of school at the time )
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"Yeah, I know.."
"Wait Y/N, look!"
Your friends yelled grabbing your attention away from your previous conversation. They were pointing at a very large crowd of students huddled together. Some were cheering and some were cussing up a storm. You knew exactly what it was. A fight.
You ran over quickly to see what was going on, and pushed your way pass people. You saw one boy on top of another, throwing punches. Then you realized. It was SodaPop.
"Shit." you mumbled to yourself. You squeezed through the last of the crowd and got into the middle.
"Hey girl get out of the way!" someone yelled to you. You turned around rolled you eyes and scoffed.
"Soda stop it!" You yelled at him. He glanced up at you, but not long enough to basically killing the boy underneath him.
"Sodapop!" You yelled. You sighed and grabbed Soda by the back of his white tee shirt and pry him off of the boy. Then he stood up, as well as the other boy.
You glanced at the other boy. He looked really bad, this was a serious fight.
"Your lucky your broad was here to save you!"
" Don't call her that! Your lucky I didn't kill you!" Soda snapped back at him. He stepped closer to the boy, but you reached your arm out to keep a distance. Soda huffed.
"You're mine, Curtis." The boy said wiping blood from his nose and walking away, his friends following him.
You all stood there for a few seconds, until you decided to break the silence.
"Okay! Party's over, you can leave now!" You yelled at the rest of the crowd. They all groaned and walked away. Soda looked straight at you.
His lip was busted, but other than that he only had a few bruises on his arm.
"Come on Soda.." you sighed. You grabbed his hand and walked to his house. No one was home from school or work yet. You stepped inside his house and lead him to the bathroom. He sat down on the toilet seat, as you bent down to grab the first aid kit from under the sink.
You started to gently clean his cut. He hissed in pain.
"Sorry.." you whispered.
You cleaned his cut up some more in complete silence.
"Y/N, talk to me!" Soda commanded. You ignored him some more. He grabbed your hand to stop you from cleaning his cut lip.
"Why? Why did you fight him?" you asked finally.
"I don't want to talk about it."
" Well I do! Why did it start in the first place?!" You practically screamed at him for an answer.
" I have my reasons." he mumbled. You threw down the towel and started toward the door.
"Y/N, Stop." Soda said grabbing your wrist. He turned you around.
"It was because of you," he whispered. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.
"He was saying stuff about you. He was saying how hot you were, and how he thought your butt was big, and how he wanted you, you know, and stuff. So I got mad alright?" he said jumping off the toilet seat.
" Soda, you know you can't beat up all the guys that say stuff about me right?"
"I could if i tried.." he mumbled.
I grabbed his hand and got in front of him. His cheeks got a flushed pink color and he looked away.
You pecked his cheek.
"Thank you Soda, There's not a lot of guys in the world like you. Your special. Your gonna make a girl very happy one day." You smiled.
He looked up at you and gave you a weak smile.
What you didn't realize is that he wanted that girl to be you. ♡