"Darry? Could you please take out the garbage?" You asked while preparing dinner.
Darry nodded and grabbed the bag of garbage. He opened the back screen door and slipped off the step down. Making the garbage fly out of his grip.
You giggled to yourself and continued cooking.
When he came back in he had a frown on his face. You shrugged it off thinking he was just mad he fell and had to pick up the garbage.
"Y/N? What is this?" He asked in a low voice.
Without looking over you replied, " Um, our dinner?" As you places the two plates on the kitchen table.
He shook his head, " No, This" You turned around to see what was in his hand. A pregnancy test.
" Oh, where did that come from?" You lied. You had taken the test earlier that day because you thought you might be pregnant.
It was a false alarm so you through it away. Darry must have found it picking up the trash.
" Y/N, Are you pregnant?" He said. It was obvious he didn't read the test.
" I thought I was" you said nonchalantly. You were sad though. You always wanted to start a family with Darry.
" Oh.." he whispered as you both sat down for dinner.
Afterword Darry helped you wash the dishes. He usually doesn't help with much housework.
" Do you want to start a family?" Darry asked looking at you.
You didn't look back, " Do you?"
He wholeheartedly smiled, " Whatever makes you happy, I will always love you and our children. I've always pictured us starting a family."
You smiled and looked his way, " I love you too."
You both smiled at each other.
10 months later, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, with Darry by your side. ♡
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