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It was the 4th of July and you and the guys had plans to play baseball and go to the fair. The guys said they would pick you up, well Benny told you.
" I'm gonna go get y/n," Benny yelled to the guys already turning to head down the street to your house.
The guys laughed because they all knew that was gonna happen. It was kinda obvious Benny and you liked each other.
Once he reached your door he was gonna knock when you opened it and your face met his. Closely. Your lips almost touching his, you looked into his eyes. Your heart started beating faster.
" uh, um.. we should get going.." Benny said almost mumbling the sentence.
He was always still mesmerized by your beauty since the day he first saw you.
" yeah," you said moving just so it didn't get more awkward.
You shut the door behind you and walked beside Benny down the street, lit up with lights.
Unexpectedly he grabs your hand and intertwined it with his. You smile. You already know your blushing.
" Well it's kinda crowded," he said leaning down and whispers in your ear. He must've saw you blush and got nervous that he made the wrong move. But he didn't.
You looked up and him and smiled " crowded is good... sometimes." You made him blush too.
You were in line for a ride at the fair. All the guys were there. Occasionally making comments about you and Benny. Right now you weren't holding hands.
" Alright two to a seat," the ride operator said.
You started walking towards an open seat when you turned around Smalls was trying to sit with you.
Luckily Benny interrupted, " whoa whoa whoa, y/n and I are going together smalls, find another seat dude."
You giggled as he got in. As the ride started a few seconds later.
Benny put his arm around your shoulder. Pulling you slightly closer to him.
" Is this okay?"
" Yeah it's perfect,"
You smiled and laced your fingers with his as his arm was still around you.
You didn't even have to say officially you and Benny were together, everyone just knew.
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