15.) Breaking Point

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Savannah's P.O.V

Remember when I said love wasn't real? I'm really starting to wish that wasn't true.

Ever since I walked through the doors at school today, I just see Calum and Kady hanging all over each other more than usual. She's showing everyone her ring as if we all didn't already see it from the three freaking pictures she posted. At this point, it's more annoying than anything.

I still haven't spoke to either of them. Not even a simple hi. I just can't bring myself to do it.

It hurts to much.

"How you feeling Savannah? Ya know, since the love birds over there are acting like that ring actually means something." Ashton asked.

"It does mean something. Just ask Quinn and Chase." I mumbled, and Quinn nodded her head.

"That's true Savannah, it does mean something for us, but maybe not them. Some promises are meant to be broken. Don't give up on love just yet." Quinn said and I rolled my eyes.

"When are you all going to realize enough is enough. It's never going to happen. It's completely hopeless." I accidentally snapped at them, causing other kids in the café to look at our table in confusion.

"Sav, calm down." Chase said.

"I can't." I said. The frustration in my voice was very clear.

"Shh. Calum and Kady are coming this way." Ashton said. I just put my head down and pushed my food away from me and watched our friend Michael start devouring it as if it was his last meal.

The two of the sat in the seats just diagonal from where I am sitting.

"Hey mate." Ashton said as they sat down.

"Hey everyone." Calum said back, I just ignored him and stared at the table.

"So I'm sure you all saw the ring right?" Calum asked and everyone one nodded, I once again ignored him.

"Look at it. Isn't it so pretty!? I never thought in a million years I would ever get such a perfect ring from such a perfect boy. I honestly thought I was gonna be alone forever until Calum came along." Kady said, flashing her ring to everyone.

The more she talks about that damn ring, the more pissed of I'm gonna get.

Like, have some consideration for other peoples feelings.

Well, I guess she doesn't really know about my feelings. I'm single and lonely either way though. It's not cool to rub it in your friends faces how great of a relationship you have, especially when they can't relate.

"Calum said it didn't cost that much, but I think he's lying. Like look at it, it had to have been at least-" Kady started, and I snapped. I finally hit my breaking point with her.

"No one gives a fuck about your damn ring!" I shouted, once again causing everyone in the café to stare at me.

"Sav-" Ashton started.

"Shut up Ashton." I snapped

"Savannah, that was really rude." Calum said angrily.

"No. You know what's fucking rude? Kady rubbing it in my face that I can never have you because you love each other. Well fuck love, and fuck you too." I snapped, standing to my feet and storming out of the room.

I don't even know where I am gonna go now.

I'll never be able to look at Calum again.

I'll never be able to look at Kady again.

Why does he have to be so perfect? Why does she have to be even more perfect.

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