First Day Back

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Once Derick was gone I picked myself up off the floor and walked to my locker trying not to let a single tear fall. Once I was at my locker I grabbed my math book and headed to class. Dozens of students filed into the class room as the bell rings. When class finally started my teacher, Mrs.Drapell, stood in front of the class and smiled brightly. "Today we have a new student." She gestured towards a boy sitting in the first chair in the right hand corner of the room. "He will need a partner, so do we have any volunteers?"

Slowly the boy stands up and looks out to see who as has their hands up. Of course, being insanely handsome, once the girls caught a glimpse of him they all rose their hands. "Sabrina." He says as me picks up his books and walks to the back of the room to sit next to me. As soon as my name crossed his lips everyone in the class looked for me. I can feel their stares as I try to cover the hand print Derick recently left on my check.

Noticing my silent cry for help Mrs.Drapell started to give more instructions on the new assignment and allowed everyone else to pick their partners. We had only finished one problem when the bell rang. I quickly stood up and walked out of class.

I had two more classes till lunch; Derick was in my second hour class. I waited for him to pick his seat then I sat as far away as possible. I was hoping that he would just ignore me but there was no way I was going to be that lucky. Is I got up to get a book off the shelve he tripped me, it dint hurt so I was going to let it go but then he spit on me as I was trying to stand back up.

My brother had always told me that spiting on someone is the most disrespectful thing someone can do to another human.


"Why is it so disrespectful?" a seven year old me asked.

"Where do people spit Sabrina?" Trey asked me before answering my question.

I look back at him as he pushes me on the swing. "The ground." I answer pleased that I actually knew the answer.

"Exactly, so if you spit on someone that's like calling them dirt." Trey explained trying to make it easier for me to understand.

I lift up my arms so he can lift me off the swing. He picked me up and swung me around before sitting me on the ground and walking me back to the house.

(End of flashback)

As I stand up I hear another voice within the group of Derick's friends that were now all laughing at the warm tears that were streaming down my face. "Awe is the wittle girl goanna cry?" Derick's girlfriend, Tiffany, asks in a baby voice.

I quickly wipe my tears and stand up grabbing my books off the floor and walking back to my desk. Luckily the rest of the hour went by pretty quickly. Once the bell rang I hung back and waited for Derick and his friends to leave. I like having him in front of me for reassurance.

My third hour was English. I love English class but that's only because I'm in an advanced class so there are only about twelve people in my class. As I walked into class I was daydreaming about what creative writing assignments I would do this year. When I finally took my seat Weston walked in and sat next to me yet again.

I smiled at him and he turned and smiled back at me. "So do you always walk to school?" he asks rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ya, Derick refuses to let me even look at his car." I say laughing.

"Well would you like to start carpooling?" Weston asked not quite making eye contact.

"I'd love to." I say smiling more than I have in months.

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