Turning off my Scenes

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When my eyes opened I saw bright lights everywhere. They were brighter than any lights I had ever seen. My first thought was that I was dead, but I could feel everything around me. The broken bones in my fingers snapping back into place causing me to jump but not from the pain, it was the noise. I never thought I would actually hear my bones pop back into place. It was as if someone was breaking a stick next to my ear. Lastly the smell, the smell of blood was so strong I could taste the tangy red drops hitting my tongue.

I could hear someone talking, I could tell they knew what was happening because they spoke in a whisper. "Sabrina listen, first close your eyes and calm down then take deep breaths." I followed the steps he listed. "Ok, now focus only on turning off each sense one at a time." I first turned off taste because it was the one least affected. When I could finally no longer taste the blood, I then moved to smell. Once it was back to normal I tried touch, I could still feel my hand healing but I couldn't feel the popping. I then mentally turn down all the sounds around me. Finally I open my eyes and see who the voice came from.

"Weston!" I run to him as fast as I can and reach the other side of the room in milliseconds knocking him to the ground.

Once he finally stands back up with me I remember what happened. "Wait you did this to me?" I ask taking a few steps back.

"No I did this for you." He tries to protest. "You can do and be everything you've ever wanted. You can run faster jump higher. You can smell, see, taste, hear, and fell things you never have before." I started to realize this is what he was talking about.

"I'm finally going to be able to be me." I whisper and see Weston nod his head. I tackle him into a hug. "Thank you for giving me my life back."

I stand back up yet again and Weston shows me the way back to school. I reach up to put my glasses back on but when I do Weston quickly takes them out of my hands. "What the hell!" I yell.

He flips open the mirror and I see my eyes, except they aren't the same they seem to be almost glowing blue light. Then I realize I don't need my glasses anymore my visions is perfect. "Wait." I say before we walk back into the school. "You said that I would have to be willing to leave my family. What does that mean?"

"It means that this is going to be your last day of school here for a few months." He tries to explain but only confuses me more. "You're going to have to come with me to Ireland for a while."

My mouth dropped open as I think of how far away that is. "For how long?" I ask thinking about what would happen to my mom if I were to just run away like Trey did.

"Only till you can control your shifts." He said then elaborates. "It could range anywhere from one to twelve months."

I start to think about my mom and how heartbroken she will be. "We can tell your mom you're going to an exchange school." Weston chimes in as if he was reading my mind. I smile at the idea.

"That's perfect, but I have to do one thing before I leave this town." I smile and walk into the school ignoring Weston's Questions behind me.

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