Changing Colors

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We arrived at the airport at 10 a.m. and boarded the plane at around 10:30. It seems to only take a few hours to fly to London but in reality it was about a twelve hour flight. Luckily we both had slept on the flight and were fully rested because by the time we got to London it was 6 a.m. in their time.

"I thought we were going to Ireland." I ask in a statement.

He looks at me then turns back to the rent a car station. "Well in light of recent discoveries our plan has changed."

After he finally picks a car he paid with his card and walked to the desk to get the keys. "So where are we going?" I ask trailing behind him.

"We're going to the l'académie pour les enfants de la lune." Weston says making me stare at him confused. "It translates to academy for the children of the moon." He explains.

I continue to follow him. "Wouldn't the people get suspicious?"

"No, you have to use your visions to see it." He tried to explain then shakes his head knowing I won't understand. "You'll learn about it later. For now we just need to get to the academy and get set up ok?" he asked not really expecting an answer.

When we get to the car we drive for about twenty minutes till we reached what I would have thought to be a private school of some kind. But as I searched for a sign my eyes started to burn. I closed them trying to take control, when I opened my eyes again I saw the name of the school on a sign right in front of the school. I focused my vision to read the small inscription under the name, the entire sign read "le l'académie pour les enfants de la lune, pour des ces la limite pour protéger leurs posséder pour là n'est pas puissance dans les nombres, mais famille." As I read the writing my eyes changed the words as if I was using a live translator.

"The academy for children of the moon, for those bound to protect their own for there is not power in numbers, but family." I say quietly to myself.

"Hey that the motto for the school." Weston says turning into the parking lot. Then looking at me once he realizes what just happened. "Did you just read the sign?" he asked.

"Ya" I said then described to him what happened when I looked at the school.

"We have to take you to professor." He says excitedly.

I get out of the car and run behind him to the school. As we walk in I stop all my senses sending messages to my brain at once. My eyes burned and my nose wrinkled up. "Is there something wrong?" Weston asks once he realized I wasn't following anymore.

"I smell meat." I say smiling. Weston laughed as he points to my teeth. I run my tongue over them worried I might have something on them but instead find sharp canines that slice my tongue with ease. Weston keeps running as I follow quickly catching up with him. As we run by I hear people talking.

"Who is she?" I hear a few people ask. "I'd take a run with her!" I hear One boy says as all his friends laugh. "A girl like that would never want to be friends with a nobody like me." I hear one girl whispers under her breath. I stop as I hear this and look in her direction.

As I look at her she glows for only a few seconds but she glows a color that looked like a mix of purple and green. Seeing this made me smile, I'll have to ask Weston about it later. "Lies!" I say as she stares at me scared. "Lies, I would love to be friends with you" I stretch out my hand and she grabs it smiling. "I'm Sabrina." I just finish when Weston appears behind me.

"And she has to go." He says waving then yanking me away.

We continue to run till we get to a huge oak door with carving of wolves and different signs. I gently run my hand over to wolf that was in the middle. You could tell each symbol and even the wolf was hand carved. I suddenly get extremely nervous as Weston knocks.

After a few minutes Weston knocks again and this time the door opens. Once inside the room I look for whoever opened the door. But there wasn't anyone near the door at all. When we are both inside the door closes with a loud bang making me jump towards Weston. When he saw that I was scared he snapped to attention and wrapped his arms around me protectively.

We hear a voice laugh and we break apart. "Well Weston is this girlfriend?" I hear the voice ask making me blush.

"Where are you David?" Weston asks ignoring the question.

A chair slowly spins around revealing the empty seat. Weston growled and sat in the chair. "Get off of me." someone complains. As Weston stands back up and a figure appears in the chair. The voice had come from another boy that looked about 17 he was wearing the uniform I assume was for the school as it had a logo of the wolf that was also carved in the center of the door. His hair was blonde and messy as he pulled the blanket off of himself. The next thing I noticed is that unlike Weston's eyes his were a light grey that seemed to put off little to no light.

"Hey David." Weston says flopping down on the couch. "Did you have permission to be in the confiscated stuff?" he asks snatching the blanket out of the guys hand and shoving it back into a drawer.

"Well not exactly, but professor won't care." He says as he leans back putting his feet on the desk.

"I think he will." I voice says from behind me making me jump forward and turn as I slide across the floor on my hands and feet to keep my balance. I defensively flash my teeth before standing back up.

"I'm so sorry." I shuddered dusting myself off. "I have no clue why I just did that." As I continue I notice that I am getting no reaction from anyone in the room they are all simply staring into my eyes.

When I notice this I pull out my iPod yet again and look into the camera. This time my eyes weren't just one color. They were changing, first blue, and then green, purple, red, and finally back to blue as the glow slowly faded.

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