Class Schedule

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After fumbling with the keys for a few minutes I finally get into my room. I expect to see maybe a bed and a dresser, but instead I am welcomed by the most amazeing room ever. The bed was made with a plush comforter that had symbols all over it. As I looked around I found the same symbols on the vanity and the large circle mirror hanging above it. They were also on the big white dresser. Once I had finally taking in all the symbols I looked around again.

Taking a second glance I saw a closet door and a small side table. Before exploring to closet I opened my box and laid the three framed photos of my family on the dresser, the vanity table, and the night stand. I also sat my small alarm clock on the nightstand and plugged it in to the wall.

I had just put all my shirts on hangers and was about to hang them up when Weston knocked on my door. "Come in!" I yell form the closet.

I hear him open the door and walk into my room. "Where are you?" he questions.

"I'm in the closet." I say then regret my wording when I hear Weston laugh.

"Finally you admit it." He says between laughs.

"You know you would cry if I liked girls." Io says coming out of the closet and closing the door.

When I look at Weston he is holding two bags and a schedule. He pulls one bag off his shoulder and hands it to me. I looked at the bright blue bag before slipping it onto my back. "What classes do I have?" I ask as he hands me the schedule.

"Some pretty basic classes. First you have what would be a beginner course that teaches you how to uses your senses, then you have French class, and lastly you have an alpha fight class." He says muttering the last class.

"Alpha, aren't alphas like top of the line fighters?" I ask feeling sweat build on my palms.

"Well ya but we think it would help with your kind of skills." He says putting quotation marks around the words your kind.

"How long will I be in each class?" I ask

"Wolf 101 should only take a few weeks." He says and I nod. "French should take about two months." He says making me stop.

"Two months to learn a whole language!" I shout in a question.

"Don't worry it'll come naturally." He says shrugging off my worries.

"And you'll be taking alpha classes till you can control your shift." He says making my hands sweat even more. "Well this is your stop." Weston says pointing to a door. I turn to walk to the door then turn back around hugging Weston gently.

"Thank you." I say quietly into his shoulder knowing he will hear it.

"For what?" he asks pulling me tightly into his chest.

"everything." I say then pull away from the hug and walk into the classroom leaving him standing in the hall as the bell rings.

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