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“David!” I yell when I feel a piece of broccoli hit my ear. “Stop throwing things at me!” all David did in response is laugh and throw another piece.

“I told you I don’t like vegetables, but what do you get me? Gross broccoli.” I catch another piece and throw it at his closed mouth.

 “This is good for you.” I say waving the piece in his face and biting off the top.

"But I don’t like things that are good for me I like things that are unhealthy and covered in fat." he states and tries to hit me but I deflect it with a spoon I had in my soup sending small globs of cheeses at Weston.

“Would you to stop acting like children?” Weston says while picking up a napkin to wipe off the few pieces of chees that had made contact with his face.

I lean over and kissed him on the cheek after all the food was gone. Quickly I finish my food and watch all the kids file out walking towards the stairs or the elevators. Occasionally I would see some walk to the gym or weight room.

“What are they doing?” I ask no one in particular.

“Going to their rooms, why?” David answers.

“Don’t they have more classes?” I ask still watching the people getting up from the table.

Weston finishes answering my questions before David had the chance. “No, we only go to school for half a day then we’re free to do anything we want.” After answering he takes the last bite of his sandwich.

“So what do you guy usually do?” as soon as the question leaves my mouth I regret it when I see the look they share with silent smirks following close behind.

When I feel the engine cut off I tried to pull the blindfold off my eyes by me hand is smacked away. I sigh and put my hand back in my lap trying to listen to what the boys are doing now that they are out of the truck, but all I hear is the switching of the wind telling me that they are being careful not to talk and only use hand gestures.

“Will you guy just tell me what we’re doing?” I whine as they walk back up to the truck.

“no.” is the only thing I hear before two sets of hand wrap around my body and carried me out of the truck.

As we walk I protest and turn trying to break free, but nothing works. As I am sit down on a rock the blindfold is gently pulled off my head and a blink trying to adjust to the dim lighting. Once they do I see a speck of light in front of me. I watch as it forms into a full picture of a small pink cupcake. I let a small tear fall from my eye as I laugh.

“What is this?” I ask grab the cupcake.

“Well . . . “David says looking at his watch. “It is official 12:04 here so it is also officially your birthday.” I smile then try to think of how long we had been driving around.

“We’ve been driving around for twelve hours?” I stand up and look around.

“No we got out of school at one and then we drove around for two hours and you fell asleep for about eight more. Then we drove here witch took another hour.” When Weston finishes explaining I laugh and try to remember falling asleep, but I guess if you are already in the dark it’s hard to tell when you fall asleep and when you wake up. Well it is if you don’t dream.

I look back up at them and they bring the cupcake closer to me. “Make a wish!” they both yell after singing the most out of pitch happy birthday song ever. I blow out the cupcake and split it into three sections handing one to each of the boys who in turn shoved them back in my face. I quickly wipe extra bits off my face and smear them on the boys along with my third of the cupcake. This has been my best birthday since I last had Trey.

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