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I woke up blinded by the light coming through the window in the room. Should've closed that least night. Glancing at the clock I see it's 8:30. At least it's not earlier. Definitely needed to get as much sleep as possible after the trip out here.

I go through my mourning routine. I take a ten minute shower then dress in dark blue jeans and a forest green tank top. I throw my slightly damp hair in a bun atop of my head. For makeup I add mascara and pink tinted chap stick.

After grabbing some cash and ID, I stuff it in my back pocket then head down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and see Beth cleaning up. "Would you like something to eat Gracie?" I smile, "Do you have something that would be quick? I want to start looking for a job" I ask. She walks to the fridge and pulls out a rectangle Tupperware, "will this work? There is also Apple's and bananas on the dinning room table" she says. I open the container to find a breakfast burrito. "Thanks Beth." I begin eating it and when I'm finished I put the container in the sink.

 "I talked to my husband and he said his brother is still looking for someone but it's manual labor mostly. It gets hot here so I'm not sure if that's something that would work out" she says as she continues to wipe down the counters. "I'm willing to do anything at this point. With the heat I'm sure I'll have to get use to it eventually if I plan to stay here" I wash my hands and dry them on hanging hand towel on the cabinet under the sink. "Very true. Let me give you his address and if you want you could go talk with him. His name is Chaz" after writing down the information she hands it to me. "Thanks" I smile and wave as I walk out of the kitchen.

I walk out of the building and head down the street. Passing various places but none seem to be looking to hire anyone. I loved how the buildings looks so original. Seeing a book store across the street called Benson's books and head there. 

"Hello miss, I'm Benson how can I help you" an older man with grey hair asks. "Yes, I'm looking for a job and thought to come in here and ask." "Ah. You must be the new lady staying at Beth's place" he says. I give him a confused look. How would he know. "News travels fast in Greenwood miss. About the job I wouldn't mind hiring but I'm afraid it would be only for a day a week. It would be only six hours only" he says. "What day?"I ask. "Saturday's 9-3. Sunday's I close the place. At my age I'm trying to slow down. Are you interested miss?" I nod, "Yes, I would" I then realize he has been calling miss, "my name is Gracie."

 He smiles genuinely, "well miss Gracie. How about you come by Saturday and I can teach you the ropes." "That would be great. Do you mind if I look around" I ask as I glance around at the walls covered in books. He shakes his head, "go right head" he chuckles. I browse through some books and find one in the history section about the civil war. I walk up to the counter and set it down. The older guy comes forward and glances down at the book. "Civil war?" He asks curiously. I nod "I've always loved history" I mumble. In school I way always called a nerd due to my nose always being in a book. More specifically history books. Benson walks away then comes back with a small book in his hands. "Here this one is on the house. It's about Greenwood's history" he says placing the book next to the one I choice. "Thank you Benson" I pick it up and skim through it curiously.

 He laughs at my reaction. "$8 for the civil war book" he says. I pull out a ten from my pocket and hand it to him, "keep the change" I grab the books, "Thanks again Benson. I'll see you Saturday!" I wave and walk out. Saturday wasn't for three more days. I'm also going to need another job to pay bills. I guess I'm going have to talk with Beth's brother and law and see if he'll hire me. I'm not even sure what the job entails. I pull out the paper with his info on it. On the paper Beth also happened to drawl a basic map to where his place was located.

After walking for about a half and hour I walk up a long gravel drive way to a ranch style house. All around it is pastures and two large barns and one shed. I walk up to the door and knock. No body answers. I walk around the back and see a shirtless guy in a horse corral with a beautiful black horse. Before I could walk any farther, I hear a growl and as a yelp leaves my mouth I'm tackled to the ground dropping my books in the process. On top of me sits a very large hound dog.

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