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Its been a week since i started training King and yesterday was the first day that Chaz was able to stud him out. Of course for the first time he used his own mare. So now just have to wait and find out if the mare is pregnant.
I just put king back in his stall after lunging him in the corral.

Its been a long scorching hot week. I head inside the kitchen and wash my hands. Chaz walks in then and starts chugging a bottle of water. "How far is it to the bar? Or possibly a club?" I ask as I dry my hands. He coughs on his water. Once he recovers he eyes me then answers, "closest club is next town over. Bar is two miles down the main road." "Any chance i can borrow the truck?" I ask. I can see he hesitates before answering. "I have a second truck you can use" he says then starts heading back outside. I followed him to a garage on the side of the house.

When we get inside the garage he points to an blue old international side step truck. "Wow. This is awesome! I always wanted one!" Chaz laughs at my response, " you can use it anytime you need to. Just dont crash it please" he jokes. He gives me the keys, "if you go to the bar ill be there later. Im meeting up with some friends." I nod, "okay. Sounds good. Thanks Chaz" i say and then head back to the house to get ready.

I spent the next hour getting ready. Im now dressed in black high waist shorts and white lace bandeau top. For makeup I put mascara on as well as red lipstick. After slipping on my red heels i grab my ID and cash and head down stairs. Not seeing Chaz around I wrote down a quick not saying 'Headed to bar. See you there.'

Heading outside I slipped my ID and cash in my back pocket. I always hated having to haul around a purse so I never used one. Plus I was known to loose it occasionally. Once at the truck I admired it for a minute before climbing in. Turning it on, I grinned at the sound. "God, I love this truck!"

Chaz Pov

I come down stairs after my shower and call out for Gracie. No response. I walk to the kitchen and grab a water bottle when I notice a note on the island counter. She did already leave. I grab my keys and head out. I park in the parking lot at the local bar and instantly notice my international. I walk inside and start looking around for her but found Ben instead.

"Chaz! You made it!" Ben walks over and hands me a beer. "Yeah, its been a week. It was about damn time for a night out" I chuckle. We head over to the other guys and sit down. Right as i sit down a see Gracie surrounded by men.

"Chaz isn't that you new hand? The miracle worker with King?" Ben asks pointing towards Gracie. I nod and at that very moment i see a guy grab graces ass. She turns and smacks the guy in the face and tries to walk away. As she walks away the guy grabs her wrist in pulls her back. With out another thought I bolt out of my seat and head straight for them.

"Billie let her go" I yell at the man. Billie instantly releases her wrist. Gracie instantly takes a few steps back to my side. "She didn't mind earlier when you weren't here" he spat back. Instantly Gracie takes a step forward to defend her self but i put a hand in front of her. "Billie enough. Don't make me report this to your pa" with that I grab Gracie's hand and led her to the bar. That's when i realize what she is wearing. Know wonder she had a crowd.

Gracie's pov
"Sorry Chaz and thanks. Those guys weren't getting the hint that i wasn't interested." I turn to the bar, "Jake can i get another." I pause, "Chaz you wanna beer?" He nods. "And a beer." i put down a twenty, "keep the change" I give a friendly smile and then hand Chaz his beer. Jake places two shots of a tequila. I toss them back one after another.

"How many have you had?" I look to see Chaz eyeing me. "If i tell you, you'd probably cut me off" I smirk. I reach up kiss his cheek and then head towards the exit. I walked to the truck and dropped the tail gate and sat down. I can't believe I kissed Chaz. I mean he is my boss. 'Blame it on the alcohol' I tell myself. I shake my head and chuckle at the thoughts running through my mind. Wait, why did I kiss him. 'Because you like him.' 'Do i?'

"It took longer then I thought." I whip around at the cold voice. There stood one off the men my dad henchmen as i like to call them. "Really Hank" I say sarcastically trying to act brave. "I expected more from you. You are suppose to be getting married soon. Your father is furious with you" he takes a step forward, "just imagine your punishment" he smirks. Just the mention of my father has chills going down my spine. Not the good kind. I hop down from the truck bed once I get my confidence back and that's when I notice Chaz has been standing there watching us. 

I shouted the first thing that came to mind as I look back at Frank, "well my father cant do anything since im already married!" Hank stomps up to me to grab me but i back up so I was out of reach. "You bitch!" he yells "you better not of! You'll be seeing me back in two days and you will be going home to your father so be prepared" he sneers then walks away. 

I instantly relax now that he is gone. Tears fill my eyes as I realize he has found me. I needed to go back to the house and pack before Hank starts tracking my every move again. "Lets get you home Gracie" I hear Chaz say softly. I feel Chaz grab my hand and lead me to his truck. I get in and buckle without comment. As we head towards home i can see Chaz glancing at me occasionally with worry clear in his eyes.

Once we are parked at home he turns off the truck but doesn't get out. "You need to explain what is going on" he says looking straight ahead. I take a deep breath. "My name is Grace Thompson-Vander" I just loud enough that he could hear me. "Vander as Vander enterprises" he asks. I nod and star explaining. "My mother died when i was eleven. My father didn't raise me after that the maids did it for him. After she passed we never got along and everything I did pretty much resulted in punishments. So I stayed away from him as much as possible. He is trying to force me in an arranged marriage. So i ran" I look down. If I hadn't drank so much I probably wouldn't have been so honest with everything. "I thought I got far enough away. Apparently not" I add quietly.

 "Why did you say you got married?" he asked. "To be honest. I saw you watching us and it was the first thing that popped into my head. It also bought me two days without my dad's goons trying to drag me home." "So if your married he wont take you?" he asked. I nod, "that is what I am hoping. I no longer would be able to marry who he wants" I explain my thoughts. "I'm sorry i dragged you into this. Ill leave in the morning hopefully without Hank knowing" I state then climb out the truck.

Chaz follows me, "Marry me." I whip around, "what?" "I'm willing to help you Grace. Marry me. Just thank of it as thanks for helping me with King" he smiles. "Your really willing to do this for me? I only said it to buy me time. Who knows if my dad will not drag me back to that hell hole again." "Grace he cant make you get married if you are already married and if your my wife I can refuse to let him take you." "Okay." 'I would be free' I tell myself.

 I walk into the house and head to the kitchen. I sit on the counter and drink water trying to sober up more. After a few minutes Chaz walks in. "I called a friend that is the local judge at the courthouse. We will be married tomorrow morning. I also talked to Betty at antique jewelry store for your ring. I figured they would check and make sure it official. Right?" he says as he leans against the opposite counter. 

God, how thankful I am to this gorgeous specimen of a man. "Yup, still drunk" I mumble. Chaz raises a brow at my words. Instead of explaining I give him a small smile and answer his question. "Yeah they would. Thanks Chaz" I hop off the counter but slip. I yelp as the floor comes closer but instead of hitting the ground I am brought to Chaz's chest. I look up at Chaz and smile, "thanks again." We both stand there staring at each. Before i could say anything his lips cover mine and my mind draws blank.

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