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Grace pov

Electric. Intense. There are so many words i could use to describe it. As soon as i begin to respond to the kiss he pulls away. "Get some rest Grace. In the morning is our wedding." Standing there in awe of what just happened, I watch as he walks away. My eyes trail from his back muscles that are flexing as he walks to his ass that looks amazing in his wrangler jeans. Once he disappears I head to my bedroom. 

Now im laying in bed trying to wrap my head around this. Chaz is willingly going to marry me. He didn't even seem upset about the scenario with my father, just excepted it. I feel the tears falling down my cheek. Im amazed this might actually save me from the arranged marriage but for some reason I'm scared. I'm I dodging an arranged marriage for another. The kiss though. Did Chaz feel the same emotions that I had? Will my father give in and leave me away since I will already be married. Glancing at my alarm clock on the night stand i notice its already 2 am. Better get at least an hour sleep before this crazy day actually starts.


Two hours later I'm showered and dressed in jean cut off shorts and a black crop top. Once I find my boots I then pull on as i'm heading out the back door. As i'm heading towards the barn to let King out to pasture, i hear my name being called. I look back towards the house to see Beth is running towards me and embraces me in a tight hug.

 "Woah! Whats going on?" I ask with a chuckle. A grin spreads across her face, "Oh don't play coy with me dear!" I raise my brow, "you wanna elaborate on that Beth?" She chuckles, "you amaze me girl! your getting married to my brother in law!" Oh shit! My eyes widen and then I try to recover fast but instead I feel my cheeks heat up. "So much for his rude manners" she says playfully.

"How'd you hear so fast" i ask. "News around here travels fast and of course Chaz came by to ask for some help with some preparations" she said full of excitement. "Preparations?"Beth just shakes her head and sighs. "No time to explain now. Lets get going" she takes my hand and begins dragging me back to the house. 

"But the chores?" I shoot back. "Don't worry my husband and Chaz already took care of them this morning. Chaz says he think he heard you around 3 and didn't think you were getting much sleep. Must be due to nerves and excitement and nerves." She continues to ramble as we head into the house and into the living room.

When we enter the living room there is more people then to be expected. Instantly Chaz sees me and makes his way to me. He takes my hand and leads me into the hall way. "Grace i'm sorry i tried to get it done at the courthouse, but i truly spaced how well news goes around here. So i was hoping to convince you to a small wedding?" He pauses and sighs seeing me look like a deer caught in headlights. He looks to the floor and rubs the back of the neck. God, he is just to adorable! Instead of being pissed about getting married under stupid circumstances, he is worried about me.

 After a minute of me not responding he says, "Hey you know what ill cancel. We can still do it at the courthouse." He turns to leave but i catch his arm. He turns back to me with confusion clear in his facial expression. "No its okay. Small wedding will be great. I actually would like to talk to you before anything else happens though" I tell him. Everything is so overwhelming but if I want to stay here before Hank gets back to take me to my father I have to except this.

We head to Chaz's study. "What did you want to talk about Grace" he asks as he leans against his desk. I sit in the chair in front of him. "Im confused Chaz. Whether this is just for being on paper. The kiss. I don't know. Im just so-" Chaz leans forward and grabs my hand, "Gracie. I know when you first came i was not the nicest person" he says. "Even Beth says I was being rude" he says under his breath then continues. "But we ended up starting over and spending time together. I like you. I like you a lot. The kiss was me trying to say that." He rubs the back of his neck with his free hand, "I'm not the best when it comes to talking about feelings, but I know there is something between us. I would like to see where it goes." I stay quiet in thought, trying to digest all that he just said. "Even if you don't feel the same i'm willing to do this anyway for you to avoid the arranged marriage. No one should go through that. We can always divorce when your father is done pushing the marriage." When I still don't respond he looks to the floor, but doesn't release my hand.

I stand  from the chair making him release my hand. Placing my hands gently on his cheeks I make him look at me instead of the floor. "Chaz thank you" I cover his lips with mine. Instantly he responds to my kiss and wraps his hands around my waist. Picking me up as he stands up, he turns and places me on the desk without breaking the kiss. 

After a few minutes we are interrupted with Beth shouting, "Enough getting busy and get your butts out here so we can get the show on the road." We break the kiss and laugh at Beth's choice of words. I mean she isn't completely wrong. He leans his forehead on mine, "I don't know what your doing to me but I defiently love it" he says playfully. He pecks the tip of my nose then stands up. "I guess ill see you in a few hours when its time for you to walk down the isle" Chaz says with a giddy grin. "Until then" I kiss his cheek  and my hand trails across his chest as I move to walk away. "Gracie" he grits out. I look back at him, wink and shut the door as I leave. I can hear him chuckle as I come face to face with Beth in the hallway.

Beth immediately drags me up to my bedroom. There is so many items sprawled out on the bed. The first thing I notice is a gorgeous wedding dress laying in the middle of the bed. "Oh my god Beth" I say as i run my hand along the lace fabric. "Don't thank me. Thank Chaz. That man always has ways to work miracles." I look up shocked to hear Chaz picked it. "Its beautiful." "Okay. Lets you get you ready. We have two hours to have you ready. Lets get started."

First Beth has me jump in the shower. Let me tell you it was the fastest shower I have ever taken. Once I was wrapped in a towel Beth brought me back into my room and had me sit in a chair in front of a vanity. "Where did this vanity come from" I ask Beth in awe of how antique looking it was. Beth starts working on my hair, "It's my mother in laws. Chaz was always closer to her then Ben and his dad, so he got majority of her stuff when she passed." I run my hands over the vanity, "its beautiful." Beth nods and I catch her eyes looking a little watery. "Beth--." "She would've loved you" she says softly. 

Before I could say anything further, Beth clears her throat, "Let's get going. We don't have much time." I nod and give her a small smile which she returns. Beth ends up curling my hair but having a crown braid across the top. "It looks flawless Beth" I say in awe of my new hair due. She grins, "Now, for makeup what would you like?"

"I prefer a natural look? I just don't like the layers of make-up" I explain. She nods and opens a makeup box that she placed on the vanity seconds ago. "Okay, I can do that. What about some gold tones" she asks. I nod, "That sounds like it would look pretty." Beth begins and spends the next half an hour transforming my face.

Another hour has passed and I'm now looking at my reflection in a floor length mirror. Beth walks over and adds a jeweled headpiece and of course completed with the long veil. The dress is all that i could ever imagine on my wedding day. White, lace, sweetheart neckline, strapless, and so elegant. My makeup is simple but stunning non the less.

 I can feel the tears fighting to let loose. "Oh Gracie. You look amazing." she pauses seeing my tears. "This is what you want right? Chaz isn't pushing you into this is he?" I shake my head instantly, "No of course not. I'm just so happy." I reassure her. God, I know we talked about this, but I can't help but feel the nerves getting the best of me. What if he realizes this is a mistake? "Okay then lets go down and get this wedding started!"

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