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Opening my eyes, I instantly regret it and pull the blanket up over my face to block out the blinding light coming from the windows. I sigh and toss back the blanket towards the end of the bed. Slowly sitting up, I notice my crutches leaning on the side table, "Oh shit." 

"Gracie?" I look to the door and see Beth walk in the room. "Good, your awake. Chaz was getting worried. Let me help you get ready" she states as she grabs the hair brush off the vanity table. "Ready? For what" I groan at the pain as I turn so she can do my hair. "You need to go see Able at his office so he can run scans. He wants to just make sure your okay and nothing further needs to happen" Beth explains. She pulls my hair out of the bun and begins brushing it. 

"How are you feeling" she asks. "Sore and have some pain, but I could be worse" I answer with a shrug. "Worse? You have a broken ankle and wrist. Bruises cover majority of you body and your poor face. I hope you never have to go through this or worse again" she rambles. "Thanks for the lovely reminder" I huff. "Oh, I am sorry Gracie. I didn't mean to" Beth says apologetically. She puts my hair into a pony tail then gives me a side hug gently. "It's okay" I tell her with a small smile. She helps me get my one shoe on the uninjured foot. My other one is in a wrap that Able put it in yesterday.

"Okay, are you ready?" I nod and use my crutches to stand up but before I moved anywhere Chaz walks in. He walks straight over to me and lifts me up making me drop the crutches. I wrap my arms around his neck in hope of not being dropped. Chaz chuckles at my reaction. "Beth can you bring the crutches down to my truck" he asks her.

Chaz carries me out of the house and to the truck. Beth opens the passenger door and puts my crutches inside before turning towards us, "Let me know if you guys need anything. I have to head back to the inn now. If you guys want me to bring dinner by let me know."

"Will do. Thanks Beth" Chaz tells her then puts in the in passenger seat. He leans over me and buckles the seat belt. "You know I am not completely helpless" I huff. Chaz doesn't say respond just closes my door. Once in the drivers seat he heads to Able's doctor's office. 

Once we get there I unbuckle my seat belt and push open the door. Chaz pulls the door open further, "You know around here we open the doors for our women." I wince as I start making my way to the floor. Chaz comes forward and places his hands carefully on the waist helping me to ground without falling on my face. 

"Well did the our men happen to know that women aren't helpless" I snap back with a glare. His eyes widen in surprise at my tone, before quickly looking emotionless again. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair before making eye contact with me again. "Let's go" he tells me. 

After five minutes we make it into the building and to the waiting area. Moving around this much has made me realize how sore I really am. I lean against the wall for a break but only end up wincing at the wall making contact with the many bruises covering my arm. I notice Chaz walk up the receptionist and check in for me. A minutes later he comes back over to me with a concerned look.

"Chaz--." "Gracie?" Our heads look in the direction of where Able stood holding open a door. I stand up and start walking over to them. I can hear Chaz following me. Able leads us into a room and closes the door. I sit down in a chair instead of the examination bed. I wasn't even going to attempt that. 

"How are you feeling Gracie? Can you tell me what is hurting" Able asks. "I think the pain medication is helping a lot. I'm mainly just sore" I tell him. "How is the ankle" he asks as he jots down on his clipboard. "It hurts I won't lie but doesn't feel as bad as the last time I broke it" I say. Able's eyebrow raises, "It's been broken before?" I simply nod. "Okay, I am going to have a nurse come in take your temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate while I ask you some medical questions" Able states. I nod in understanding. 

A man in his mid twenties walks in and introduces himself as Ronald. He takes my temperature then starts the blood pressure.  "Have you ever had any broken bones? Other then the ankle" Able asks. I nod, "Broken arm. Twice on the right. Broken wrist on the left. Broken leg once. Broke two toes once." I watch as Able jots all the information down.

Ronald finishes up his tasks after taking an little longer then needed. When he finally leaves I hear Chaz grumble something. "Oh quit" Able rolls his eyes but it was clear he was amused. I raise a brow curiously at what they were talking about. 

"Anything else medical? Surgeries? Cancer? Concussions? Anything else" Able asks. "One concussion. I did have my wisdom teeth removed if that counts. Oh and also my tonsils, but besides that nothing."

"Those both count" Able states as he jots down the medical history. "Okay are there any thing you know that runs in your family? Diabetes? Heart complications? Cancers?" I nod," My mom had cancer and from what I was told her mother, my grandmother did as well." He looks up after finishing writing more stuff down. "Had? That's good, so she survived it. What kind?"

I stop watching Able and glance at Chaz before looking down. I begin playing with the end of my t shirt. "Breast cancer. She died" I say softly. "Not from cancer though" I add with a shrug. 

"My apologies Gracie" I look up to see Able giving me a sad smile clearly looking guilty. I give a slight nod in response. "Let's get going on those x rays" Able announces. "Chaz just stay here. I'll go alert the nurse your ready and he will take you to another room for the xrays" he adds. "Okay. Thanks Able." 

Before Able has a chance to exit the room, Chaz is walking over to him and whispers something to him. "He is just doing his job Chaz" Able responds. "Really? I know you noticed it to" I hear Chaz snap. Able chuckles, "I will have a  talk with him. Don't worry so much. I'd say you have to worry if." He gestures to me with his arm, "If she responded to it."  I raise my brow wondering on how I am involved in this conversation. With out waiting for Chaz to respond Able leaves the room, closing the door behind him. 

Chaz stands facing the door and runs his hand through his hair before turning towards me. He sighs and sits int he chair next to me. "What was that about" I ask. "Nothing to worry about" he says before running his hand repeatedly through his hair. "You run your hand through your hair when you stressed or something is bothering you" I state. He just shakes his head, "It's nothing."

"Really? Fine I'll ask Able then" I tell him as I stand up with the help of my crutches. Right then the door opens and Ronald walks in. "Ready" he smiles. "Dammit! Give us a minute" Chaz grounds out. I notice he is clenching is jaw while shooting daggers at Ronald. Ronald nods hesitantly and then with one last look in my direction he closes the door leaving us alone again.

"What the hell was that" I yell and smack Chaz's shoulder. I could tell it did not affect him once so ever. For a second I see amusement in his eyes but it quickly disappears. I huff in irritation, "Are you going to explain or keep acting like a caveman" I demand.

Chaz continues to look at me then a smirk slowly forms on his face. I roll my eyes and take a step towards the door, but and stopped when Chaz blocks my path, leaving only inches apart. "Really? What you going to keep me locked in the room all day!" 


"Then what the hell--." Before I knew it, Chaz steps closer placing a hand on my cheek and the other on the hip. "Chaz--." 


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