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I walk into the kitchen and see no sign of Chaz. After washing my hands in the sink, I start going through the cabinets looking for a blender. As I'm looking in a bottom cabinet I hear Chaz approach. "What are looking for?" I stand up and close the cabinet, "I was looking for a blender" I answer. He walks to the island and opens the cabinet below. After a few seconds he places a black blender on the counter. I give him a genuine smile, "Thanks." 

After taking fruit out from the fridge I begin to fill the blender. "Want one?" I glance over my shoulder. "No, Thanks. I just ate" he says. I nod in response and continue putting things in the blender. After adding apple juice I blend it. Chaz places a glass next to me on the counter, "I'm going to be barbecuing for dinner. You do eat meat, right?" He says while gesturing with his hand to the smoothie.I chuckle then nod, "Yes I eat meat. Just never been a big eater."

After taking a seat on the islands chair I look to Chaz who is now leaning on the counter with his arms crossed over his broad chest. "You look lost in thought" I comment. He slowly nods. "Care to share" I continue. He exhaled a sigh, "King. I bought him to be a stud but haven't been able to do anything with him due to the fact he doesn't like me or anyone else. The way he was with you I've never seen him so calmed and relaxed." He paused and ran his hand through his hair. 

"Would you be willing to work with him. If people see his civilized side maybe he could actually be a stud. If you could be in charge of him and even possibly see if you can saddle him at some point." I'm surprised at what he is saying. King was nothing but gentle with me. "Of course." He takes a step toward the island, "instead of helping with majority of the farm. If you could deal with king for now and help with feedings." After finishing my smoothie I rinse it out and then place it in the sink. "Deal" I  turn to him, "I'm going to go ride King then." Chad chuckles and follows me outside.

Since King is still in the corral, I brought his bridle while Chaz carried out  the blanket and western style saddle. After placing the stuff on the rails I maneuvered through the bars to inside the corral. "Are you sure you want to start out with this" he gestures to the saddle. Its been years since Ive been able to ride but it feels so natural. Weird, I know, but its hard to explain and sort through all the thoughts running through my head. I shake my head slightly trying to change my thoughts to just focusing on King.

 I nod and walk up to King. He immediately meets me in the middle of the corral. I reach up and pet his neck. "Let's show them what a gentle guy you are King" I whisper. Grabbing the saddle blanket I gently place it on top of his back. I adjust it the right placement and then being the saddle over. Trying my best to be subtle while stepping on my tippy toes I place the saddle on top of the blanket. King shuffles around a bit adjusting to the weight. After giving him a few minutes and begin to strap it up. The bridle was with placed.

"When was the last time he was ridden" I ask Chaz who is watching outside the corral. "I've had him about three years. I try to ride him every six months or so" he answers. "I thought you didn't ride him" I ask. He chuckles, "I did say try." I grin and then grab the reins. I lead King around the corral letting him adjust to the weight of the saddle and the bridle itself. After about ten minutes, I lead King to the middle of the corral. I place the reigns over the horn of the saddle then place my foot in the stirrup and swing my self up. After adjusting in the saddle, I grab the reigns. "Good boy, King" I whisper to him as I pat his neck. 


Sorry it's shorter chapter! Please let me know what you think!

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