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Gracie POV

Waking up this early truly sucks. I woke up twenty minutes ago then began my mourning routine. After showering I pulled on jeans and a purple v neck t shirt. Heading back to the bathroom I began brushing my teeth when there is a knock on my bedroom door. With toothbrush still in my mouth I walk out to the room and open the door. "Yes Chaz?"

"Gracie meet me in the kitchen when you done" he says then walks away. I roll my eyes and lean on the door frame watching him walk away. I guess what they say about country boys butts are true. To bad his personality sucks. I chuckle at my own joke.  After going to the bathroom rinsing my mouth out and putting tooth brush away, I throw my hair into a bun on the top of my head.

As I walk into the kitchen and sit on the stool, I look over Chaz as he is leaning on the counter top with coffee cup in his hand. He is wearing a white t shirt and wrangler blue jeans. The shirt is loose but can still see it cling to his muscles in certain spots. I look up to his face and I meet his blue eyes. Chaz runs his hand through his brown hair, "Are you ready?" I nod. Normally I would never do anything before breakfast but since it's so early I'll pass today.

We walk outside and head straight to the barn. "There are a lot of different things that are done but it's the same thing pretty much daily except a few things but we will talk about that when we get to those.  First thing is cannon gets fed. I already did that today but the food and bowl are over here." He says then walks inside the barn and points to the right. "All cannons stuff will be right here on his shelf. Now let's feed the horses." He leads me to a room just past where all the dog stuff belonged. Inside was a wall of horse tack, grooming supplies, bags of grains and oats. Chaz walks to the bags and points to one, "Each bag has the horses name on it. Some share a bag. Some don't. There is 4 horses right now that are mine. One is Brent's. One scoop for each horse. I'll show you the first and I'll let you do the rest. This is for Lady." He grabs a bucket and goes to a bag of oats. He places one scoop in the bag. Chaz then walks out of the room and farther into the barn. We pass a few stalls then stop at one that had a sign on the stall door saying 'My Fare Lady'. Chaz opens the stall and places the bucket on a hook on the stall wall. A horse them walks in from the outside pay off the stall. The mare is a white Andalusian. I watch Chaz talk to her with a genuine smile. "She is beautiful. I've never seen a Andalusian in person" I say still memorized by the horses beauty.

When I look back at chaz, I see his stunned reaction. Probably to me knowing her breed. "I'll go start on the rest of the horses" I say then walk back to the room. I end up spending the next 10 minutes feeding for horses. I'm on my way to feed the final horse named King. He ends up being the last stall. I notice there is extra lock compared to the horses stalls. I notice the hook for the bucket is right by the door so I wouldn't have to go in. After placing the bucket I look up and see a black friesian.

 The stallion slowly comes forward and begins eating from the bucket. I reach out slowly to touch his neck. As my fingers are a few inches away the horse freezes his motions. "Its okay boy. I won't hurt you" I whisper. My hand makes contact. I feel the stallion push against my hand. "You sure are a handsome one King" I mumble as I continue petting his neck. King begins to eat again. 

After a few minutes pass the horse tenses, ears pointing back and baking further into the stall. "Whats--" "He never had been like that to anyone. I'm surprised your not bitten our hurt another way for touching him"I turn to face Chaz. "Take a few steps back Gracie" he says walking forward with hay. As he gets up against the stall King begins whining and stomping his hooves. I back away shocked that the calm horse I was just giving attention to reacted this way. After chaz placed the hay in the stall he backs away. "Come on Gracie. Let's start the next task" he says starting to walk to the other side of the barn. I want to ask questions about King but knowing Chaz he would probably say now is not the time.

We spend the morning milking one dairy cow, fetching eggs from the hen coupe, and mucking out the corral and covered arena. It's now 10am and I just came back out after a ten Minute break to eat toast and down water. Heading to the barn to find Chaz I walk in seeing no one. I head straight to Kings stall. I click my tongue and the stallion walks in from outside and pokes his head out of the stall. Reaching out I begin to pet him on his for head. As I put my arm down he nudges my shoulder wanting more attention. I chuckle, "You are something special."

Hearing footsteps I turn to find Chaz walking towards me with a lead rope and halter. "King needs to be let out to the corral for exercise." He begins to walk towards the stall but I step in front of him. "Let me" I say taking the tack from his hands. He raises an eyebrow, "Are you sure? This is a stallion and you did see the way he acted earlier this morning" he comments. I nod, "Let me try. He obviously doesn't like you. So what's the harm with me trying. If I get hurt it's on me" I say. Chad nods and walks back to give me space with the horse but close enough to intervene if need be.

I place the halter on Kings head, taking it slow due to him seeming tense. He is obviously keeping an eye on where Chaz is. I clip on the lead rope. I pet his forehead, "it's okay, King. Let's get you some exercise boy." I pause and look at chaz, "can you give us more space." He gives me a questioning look then nods, leaving us and heading to another horse. I can see King relaxing the further he gets. "That's it boy. Just you and me" I smile. I've only been around this horse for a day and already love him.

I unlatch both locks and begin to lead him out the barn. He is doing amazing. I'm surprised he does different with anyone else. I wonder why? We make our way outside and then to the corral. Once inside I remove the lead rope and walk to the gate to leave. Before I could leave I'm bumped in the back of the shoulder. I turn around to find King following me. I laugh. Instead of leaving I start walking around the corral with him following behind me. I pick up my speed and eventually go into a jog him still right behind me. After a few laps I quit and climb to sit on the top rail. King walks in front of me with his barrel(stomach) hitting my legs. I wonder if he has ever been ridden? I glance around not seeing Chaz. I slowly get onto Kings back. I'm surprised he allowed me to get on with no issues. "Good boy. You are so beautiful. You remind me of my mom's horse when I was little" I whisper. King begins walking so I lightly grab his mane.

Time flies by and I glance at the watch at my wrist and it's now 12:15. Wow. It's already been at least and hour and half of me riding King. King has been slowly walking around the whole time while I've been rambling on about memories of my mom's horse.

I lightly pull on King's mane to stop him. Instantly he complies and comes to a halt. I look around curious if Chaz has seen me riding King. He probably won't be happy about it. I look over to the house and see him watching me through the kitchen window with arms crossed over his chest. I dismount and walk out the corral. Before completely leaving I tell king I'll see him soon. Time to go find out whether or not Chaz is mad about this. I mean I did ride him for over an hour instead of working.

Chad POV

After letting her take King to the corral. I ended up taking the other horses to the pastures. When I came into the house to fetch some water, I looked out the kitchen to find not only King in the corral but Gracie too. The stallion was following her as she walks out. I'm shocked. I've had so many people come to see if he would respond better to them but no one including me could get him to do much. I bought the friesian stallion hopping to have him be a stud. Sadly haven't been able to do that since his personality. Gracie climbs on his back, I get ready to bolt out the door but then see King slowly begin walking. What! He is actually letting her ride him! King is walking slowly around the corral. I can see Gracie talking to him.

Defiantly misjudged her. Even though I hate to admit it. Throughout the day she never complained and also had knowledge when it came to the horses. After a few minutes of watching her I begin to make lunch. After about another 45 minutes I look out the window to her stopping the horse. Can't believe she has been riding him this long. I've had him for over 3 years and haven't ridden him. I cross my arms in jealousy. I know I shouldn't be but when you spend so much on a horse I think I'm allowed. Childish I know. Gracie dismounted and begins heading to the house. I know she glanced this way but I'm curious if she caught me watching.

I did a quick edit of this chapter but once I finish this book I will go and double check each chapter. Would love to hear your thoughts? Vote, share, and comment!

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