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I'm standing looking on the porch looking out at the pasture that now is converted to where our wedding will be taking place. There was a two rows on each side of white chairs. An alter made out of old ladders and flowers where everywhere. He did this for me. In less then twelve hours he made my dream wedding happen without even knowing what it was.

I shake my head trying to calm myself before the water works start again. Beth finally comes back from fixing her hair and makeup. "Its time." Those simple two words have chills going down my spine. I hesitate to follow her off the porch but then an idea pops in my head. "Wait Rose can i do something?" I ask. She looks at me curiously and nods. "Go sit down and tell Chaz ill be there in exactly two minutes" i smile. "Can i have a hint" she smiles with curiously. "King."

With that i head to the barn and open King stall. Luckily he is clean due to the baths we gave the horses about two days ago. "How do you feel about bare back today bud?" I ask as I grab his mane and hop on his back as carefully as possible without ruining the ivory dress. "Try not to drop me today. I don't wanna ruin this gorgeous dress" I tell him playfully. He neighs in response. "Lets go show Chaz how much you have truly learned." We head out of the barn and head to the pasture.

Chaz POV

"Why two minutes? What is she planning to do?" I ask Beth. Beth just smirks and shakes her head telling me she isn't planning to share any word of what Gracie is planning. "Chaz" I look up to Brent and instantly look in the direction he is pointing. There on bare back riding King is Gracie. Instantly I'm filled with worry. Has she really trained him that much because a month ago he was the wild stallion I bought years ago and still can't ride.

 She lead the horse down the isle. King does perfectly including not even worrying about his surroundings and the people watching in awe. I walk up to King cautiously to help her down. Gracie holds up her hand for me to stop, "Watch." I stand and watch as she pats Kings neck and says something. What happens next amazes me. King bends his legs at the knees and lays down slowly on the floor. Gracie grins at the accomplishment and dismounts.

 After she is a foot away from him she clicks her tongue and he stands back up then steps towards her. She taps his nose and he follows her as she walks the rest of the way to me. I grab her hand and kiss the back of it, "that was amazing." With her hand still in mine, I lead her the few steps to the alter. The judge looks at me, "ready?" I look to Gracie and her smile gives me the answer. " Yeah." The whole time the wedding is preformed she has a stunning smile on her face. She genuinely looks happy. I cant believe she is going to be my wife. Now I just pray her father doesn't make an appearance and try to take her away.

After the ceremony Grace leads me to King and hops back on. I look as her and instantly start laughing, "so the day of our wedding is the day you want me to die? King never let me ride him before. Today should be no different so matter how many of your charms you used on him." Grace laughs and then reaches her hand out to me, "Trust me." Trust her. Without hesitation i grab her hand and hop up on King right behind her. I hesitate at all waiting for King to buck or something. Nothing happened. "Good boy King" Grace says softly petting him on his neck. "Hold on Cowboy" she says with warning. Instantly we are shooting off into the pasture. My arms are wrapped around Grace as king continues to canter father away. Finally she slows him down as we get close to the lake, "Isnt it warm today?" she asks. Without letting me respond she has King speed up again and thats when i realize her plan. "Grace! No!" King heads straight for the lake. Right before the water hits me i jump off and roll.

I sit up and take in the scene of King in the pond and Grace laying on his back soaking wet. "Grace!" SHe looks up at with a huge grin. "Chicken!" she shouts back. Im shocked. King continues to swim around for a few more minutes heading to the deeper part of the lake.

Rose POV

Yes this decision was spontaneous but I am happy. My father would scold me at such a horrible decision but this time i didn't have to listen to his lecture or take his punishments for the mere thought of the wedding. The wedding ceremony was all I could imagine and more. We have been celebrating with our close friends and family for the past few hours. Leaving only a few of them around the farm still.

"You look stunning." I look over my shoulder as Chaz wraps his arms around my waist. "Thanks" I say softly as he turns me to face him. "Beth and Brent are going to stay and help clean up. I think they may have talked in a few of my friends to" Chaz tells me with a permanent smile. "Oh, they don't have to. They have already done so much. We can handle it" I tell him as I place my hands on his chest as he draws me closer to him. "You tell Beth that" he chuckles. "True" I giggle just thinking of how the conversation with Beth would go.

"So how does it feel to be married" Chaz asks. "Amazing" I say into his chest as I move my hands around him. I feel him kiss the top of my head. "Can we go somewhere" I ask him. "Sure. Where?" I look up at him and grin. "It's a surprise!"

I lead him to the barn and get King and one of his mares. "Do I get a hint besides we are going on horse back" Chaz asks. I shake my head as I mount King, "nope." He sighs playfully and mounts his horse. We head out of the barn and straight for the open fields. After five minutes of silence he speaks up. "I haven't been out here for a while" he states looking over the area. "Really? I love this part of the land" I tell him. He looks at me as though I am the most precious thing in the world to him. I blush and look away.

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