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After serving the simple stew and ensuring her mother ate a sufficient amount, Ariane returned to the village as the forest began to darken. Having grown up at the edge of the woods, she was unafraid of the long shadows. If there were any dark forces hidden, the animals of the forest would give her ample warning.

Her ability to communicate with animals was a less frequently utilized gift than her healing skills. On occasion a squirrel or fox would seek her out for help or follow her for simple companionship, but it was rare for them to speak. More often the animal would do her bidding before disappearing into the deep forest from which they came.

On this day, however, the woods and setting sun could not hold Ariane's attention. Instead, she considered her mother's tale of love and loss. She supposed it was every girl's dream to have that kind of relationship, no matter how short-lived. To know her mother had survived in ridiculed isolation without losing her faith and resolve was remarkable. It was a worthy goal Ariane had never thought to strive for.

Arriving at the midwife's hut, Ariane entered and placed her basket of gathered herbs by the door. Hanging up her cloak, she announced, "Mother Mildred, I have returned with news."

With concern, the older woman looked sharply up from her journal as Ariane removed her cloak. "What kind of news? Is your mother well?"

Realizing she should have worded her greeting with more caution, Ariane spoke with less enthusiasm, "She is declining, Mother. She will not allow me to help her."

"Has she given you a reason?" For months, Mother Mildred had been concerned Serena would leave Ariane without guidance. While it was none of the midwife's business, the girl would have a better chance for a future with an understanding of her mother's choices.

"She told me of my father. She is waiting to be with him." Tears threatened to fall, but Ariane suppressed the urge.

The midwife sat back in her seat, relieved at Serena's confession. She had never believed the malicious gossip that suggested immorality and suspected that, although not sanctified by the church, the union had been handfasted and therefore legitimate in the eyes of God. "I suspected as much. I am sorry, Ariane. It has been heartbreaking for you, but your mother has led a difficult life raising you alone. Now she sees the young woman you have become and feels her purpose is complete."

Ariane lost her struggle to keep the tears at bay and was forced to wipe her face. Gaining control with effort, she returned to the news to share. "There is more. Edric was with Mother when I arrived."

"Edric? The chicken boy? Louisa's younger brother?" That information caught Mother Mildred by surprise.

Ariane nodded. She moved to sit in her usual seat by the fire. The wise woman was certain to have an opinion regarding the match.

"What was he about?"

"He asked for permission to court me."

Mother Mildred was stunned. "Did he? Well...that is a surprise! He is not one I expected." She muttered the last under her breath without realizing Ariane was listening for every word.

Ariane leaned forward, unsure she had heard correctly. "Expected?"

Embarrassed to be overheard, Mother Mildred snapped, "Never you mind!"

Ariane drew back, startled by the sharp words. The older woman rarely spoke in such a manner.

Seeing the young woman's shock, the midwife relaxed and gentled her tone. She made a mental note to exercise greater care when discussing the sensitive young woman's future. "Forgive me, my dear. I am just an old woman who rambles. Did your mother give permission for courting?"

Healer: Spiritual Gifts #1Where stories live. Discover now