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Ariane hoped Kellan would appreciate the simple rabbit stew she made. His appetite had been limited since his arrival two days before. He made no further comments regarding his condition. Worried, she studied his aura at every available opportunity. While she found no changes, Ariane could plainly see his lack of energy.

He adamantly refused to stay at the hut for long periods of time, spending much time scouting the area to ensure their privacy. She frequently spied him by the pond, staring out over the still waters. When he spoke, he was polite but maintained a respectful distance. Brief meals became the only time he shared the hut with her.

"Do you not like the stew, Kellan?" He had taken fewer than three bites.

He started guiltly with a brief glance at her before attending to the task at hand. Eating a dutiful bite, Kellan answered, "It is delicious. Forgive me, Ariane, but I find my appetite is lacking."

Ariane put her spoon down and placed her hands in her lap. She hesitated before offering, "I spoke with Father Johannes...."

Kellan's head shot up. "I missed him? When was he here?"

Father Johannes had left long before Kellan woke. "I am sorry, Kellan. He came the afternoon of your arrival." Seeing the disappointment on his face, she rushed to continue with her news. "He made some suggestions that were helpful. I may know how to heal your soul."

It took Kellan a moment to register her statement. Shocked, he set aside his bowl and rose slowly from his seat.

She rose quickly to meet him. "But it is just a theory. What if I am mistaken?"

Kellan caught her arms in his hands. He could not contain his desperation. "What is the worst that can happen? That I will remain weak? I do not wish to be half a man!"

"You are not...."

He willed her to understand how important this was to him. "You have only known me as a shell of what I have been. I cannot go through life like this. I have nothing to offer you in this condition."

"Kellan, I do not want to cause you further harm." Despite the priest's reassurances, Ariane still felt guilty. Each of her actions played through her mind. No other answers came forth.

Kellan stepped closer to her. In a soft voice he said, "You are not responsible for my condition, Ariane."

"You do not know that. There is no guarantee...." she protested.

"I know you are not at fault. Yes, I was weak after the healing. You warned me that I should rest more, but I did not. I had a mission to finish." He could see she was unconvinced. "More has happened in the past few days than you are aware."

Ariane looked up into his eyes, accusing, "You did not tell me you had been imprisoned."

Kellan realized Father Johannes would have told her what he could of the situation without giving away important information. He would need to provide those details. "In a manner of speaking, yes. I will tell you of those circumstances and more when the time is right. Until then, I can only ask that you trust in me and heal me of this affliction."

Ariane bit her lip, uncertainty written on her lovely face. Kellan could not resist. He pulled her into his chest, ignoring the added discomfort. "Please, Ariane, please try. I have faith in you."

She absorbed his warmth for a moment before slowly nodding her head. There were no other options to offer. "I will try. But I do not know what will happen."

"That is all I ask." he whispered into her golden hair. "Thank you."

He did not want to let her go, but released her when she finally pulled back. With a shy smile, she said, "You must remove your shirt."

She tried not to stare as he unlaced his tunic and removed his shirt. Instead, she busied herself by removing the woven belt from her waist and placing it around her neck as a stole. Glancing back at him to see if he was ready, she gasped.

The healed, but angry red scar on his chest remained as she had last seen it, but now a brilliant, blue and purple bruise colored his lower ribs. The mark was recent. It had not been present during their travels. The stubborn look in his eye told her he would not explain the injury until he was ready. Despite the abuse, the sight of his bare chest affected her as no other had done.

Seeing her blush, Kellan drew her back to his arms. The feel of her slight frame against his skin was more than he anticipated. He felt a tremor run through her body. "Ariane, You have no reason to be afraid of me."

Her eyes rose to gaze into his. He was pleased to find no fear held within the azure depths. One small hand reached up and touched his bare chest. "I am not afraid of you, Kellan."

His breath caught as she traced the bruising and his wound followed by the royal tattoo. Kellan hoped she did not connect the mark to the triquetra, which was a prominent symbol in the royal crest representing God, country and family.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Ariane." The innocent touch erased all of his good intentions. There was nothing to say as he tightened his arms and drew her up to meet his kiss.

He had been right to keep his distance the past few days. The instant desire to know every inch of her was intoxicating. He was disappointed when she pulled away but was pleased to see she was as breathless and unsteady as he.

Dazed, Ariane ended the contact. She had never permitted herself to imagine her first kiss. Edric had tried, but she had successfully evaded every clumsy attempt. She certainly never imagined the overwhelming sense of delight as her entire body tingled in response.

"Oh, my." she gasped.

A hint of a smile tugged at his lips. "'Oh, my' indeed." His voice was thick with desire, which he forced into submission so Ariane could focus on her task. Unable to resist, he pressed a brief kiss to her forehead before releasing her.

It took every ounce of resolve to focus her attention. Every nerve in her body wanted to continue to explore the new sensations this man aroused. If she was successful, Ariane hoped the opportunity would arise again. With grim determination, she took one end of the colored belt in each hand and placed her right hand over the backside of his heart. She moved her left hand to cover his wound. The healing scar was uncomfortably close to his beating heart.

Determined to avoid further distraction, Kellan remained silent and still as she closed her eyes. Her lips moved in prayer. Fascinated, he was able to make out her words. As her hands grew warm, he added his own silent prayer in support of hers.

He had no sooner finished his petition when a sharp pain caused him to gasp and tighten. As intense as the ripping agony he had known at the sight of Derrik and Eleanor, he struggled to draw air into his lungs. A blue glow filled the room as Kellan staggered back, stumbling over his seat. She followed him as he landed hard onto the stone hearth, the connection between them could not be released. There, his body arched into a rigid line; his mouth open in a silent scream.

Neither had an awareness of how long the searing pain continued. A fine film of sweat covered his body. Her breathing came in labored and shallow gasps. Tears streamed down her face as she forced herself to continue the prayers.

When the burning sensation finally abated, she fell away, her hands breaking contact with his skin. Unable to speak, he could do no more than curl into a fetal position as she collapsed on the stone next to him.

It seemed hours before Ariane could ignore her own agony in order to rise and check the status of her patient. She cradled his head to her breast and stroked his sweat-soaked hair. A glance over his chest told her the reddened scar was fading to a healthier pink and the bruising of his ribs gradually dissipated. The tattoo remained unchanged, but a second mark at his shoulder caught her attention.

Pulling his shoulder forward for a better view, she was shocked to see the black mark was part of an intricate design which scrolled over much of his back. She had never seen a tattoo such as the one before her.

Her own body was a mass of nerves and jelly with no strength to spare. Unable to keep her head up, Ariane let his limp arm fall back before her forehead dropped to rest on his shoulder. She could do no more for him. Now was the time for recovery.

Healer: Spiritual Gifts #1Where stories live. Discover now