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Kellan arrived on the scene cursing the obstructed path that delayed his arrival. From a distance, the horrors he and Derrik had feared could be heard. The dull throb in his skull confirmed his suspicions.

Lucien was here.

From the edge of the woods, he could see his nemesis shouting orders and encouraging the melee from the center of town. An unarmed older man ran for safety but made the unfortunate decision to cross the wrong path. The Kommandant's sword cut the old man down.

Remaining on the outskirts of the village, Kellan helped those villagers who sought to hide in the forest. Soldiers who came close were met with an unseen sword. The prince wanted to be more aggressive in protecting his father's subjects but knew his best chance was to stay hidden until he could face the man responsible for these, and other, atrocities.

With a heart-felt prayer offered for those he could not help, Kellan watched as Lucien and his men searched each hut. His father would never believe his favorite Kommandant was responsible for this degree of looting, rape and murder. Especially not from his least favorite subject.

Lucien disappeared into a nearby hut, breaking the door from its hinge. Kellan was too far away to hear what was said, but there was no mistaking a woman's cries and the snarling and yelp of a dog. The Kommandant was soon followed by two of his men. The men quickly exited with a limp, blonde female draped over the shoulder of one soldier. A moment later, Lucien exited the small hut. He shouted a command to the looters and the company began to leave the beleaguered village.

Kellan checked for clearance before cautiously making a forward advance out of the protective woods. A sudden movement at the broken door forced him to duck out of sight behind a pile of wood. Rechecking the scene, the prince saw a young, yellow pup stumble outside and after the invaders. Blood dripped from the dog's side.

He stealthily moved to the door and ducked inside. A ghostly presence greeted him in the form of an elderly woman standing next to her body. Recognizing the woman as recently deceased, he knew her ability to speak would be limited. That fact made little difference; she recognized his ability and urged him to come forward with a frantic hand gesture. Unable to deny the spirit's request, Kellan stepped forward after another cautious glance around.

The wise spirit appeared to study him for a brief moment then nodded her head in approval. She pointed at her mattress indicating he needed to search for something. Although Kellan was anxious to follow Lucien and protect the girl, he had learned at an early age to obey the spirits as they often knew better than he. With care and respect, he approached the dead woman's body and reached under the mattress as instructed. There he found and removed a leather-bound journal.

The ghost covered the hand holding the journal with her cold wisp of a hand sending a familiar chill through his body. Spirits rarely attempted to touch Kellan and it was a sensation he did not enjoy; but he accepted the touch knowing the woman's spirit was limited in ways to communicate with him.

She pointed in the direction of Lucien and the girl.

"This belongs to the girl now?" he asked quietly.

The spirit nodded. She placed her hands over her heart, pointed at his heart and again in the direction of the girl.

"I do not understand." He could see the spirit's frustration mount and rushed to assure her, "But I will follow her and do all within my power to keep her safe."

Resigned, the ghost gave a nod before dissipating into a fine mist.

Kellan said a brief prayer over the unknown woman's body, then tucked the precious journal into his belt. The spirit used all of her energy to lead him to the little book. He hoped he could locate the girl in time and she would be able to tell him of its importance.

In the meantime, there was little else he could do for the villagers. He needed to catch up to the expedition and rescue the girl from certain harm. Leaving the hut, Kellan quickly caught up to the yellow pup which was losing his battle to stagger after his mistress. The dog collapsed at his feet. He whimpered as Kellan knelt to check his wound.

"Well, Little One, I think you have had a rough night." The wounds were serious but the dog shared his mission. "You have heart. I only hope it is strong enough to lead me to your mistress."

Kellan quickly tore a strip of cloth from his shirt to bind the injury, then gathered the pup in his arms and returned to Boris. He prayed he was not too late to help the girl.

Healer: Spiritual Gifts #1Where stories live. Discover now