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Kellan stood frozen in place for several minutes following Rorik's departure.

"He is a man, Kellan. You have only known a cold-hearted king and father but he is simply a man who is forced to bury his emotions deep within and carry the weight of his people on his shoulders."

The whispered voice of his mother startled him. "It is difficult for me to see him as such, Mother."

"Perhaps now it will be less difficult." she suggested softly.

Kellan bowed his head and watched her white aura drift toward Derrik's crypt to join Eleanor's spirit. The other female ghost followed. Even the dead would pay their respects to those who recently joined them.

A male voice interrupted Kellan's thoughts from the passageway, "Come, young Kellan, Father Johannes will return shortly with much news to share. There are items which you must retrieve before it is too late."

With his mentor and Derrik's shade silent by his side, the voice could only belong to Kielas.


"I am dead. It is Kielas." The shade grumbled. "I had my fill of titles in life. Now, come. Time is short."

Kellan almost smiled after the irritated spirit. Any other day, he would have enjoyed a verbal sparring with spirits. Today held too many revelations to savor the mysteries of the dead. Instead he dutifully followed his ancestor back into the dark passages.

His sense of direction informed him of their location: a tight hall not far from his father's quarters. Fortunately, the feast would be starting and Rorik would not return to his room for several hours.

Kielas indicated a brick located above eye-level, but within arm's reach. The face was carved with a rough depiction of the triquetra and the initials K-I. Kellan realized this brick and its contents had been placed by the man who now stood before him as a ghost.

"It is but a single stone and should make little noise to remove."

Kellan felt around the weakened grout for the edges. The stone moved easily despite the many years left in position. Within lay three scrolls of brittle parchment. Kellan prayed he would be able to read the information before the documents disintegrated into a fine dust.

With limited light available to examine his find, Kellan tucked the ancient papers into his cloak and carefully replaced the stone before retracing his steps to the light and quiet of the chapel.

Kielas approved of his actions. "I pass this information to you, Kellan. May it prove of some value."

"Thank you, Kielas." Kellan acknowledged the spirit with a bow of his head and watched his ancestor drift to Derrik's crypt leaving him with the ghosts of his mentor and brother.

He turned to his mentor. The ghost had confessed little of his past before. There was no reason to expect an answer now, yet Kellan wanted confirmation. "My friend, you once mentioned you waited for another to return. The spirit who accompanied Ariane and me from the village...she was the one you sought?"

As expected, his mentor said nothing. Yet in the silence, Kellan confirmed his hunch.

"I owe you much and I would never wish to overstep or insult you or your lady." Kellan took a deep breath before continuing, "You have my word, I will protect and care for Ariane with my last breath."

The spirit kept a preternatural stillness which Kellan could not interpret. After several tension-filled seconds, the ghost gave a curt nod and floated away leaving the prince to his relief.

Healer: Spiritual Gifts #1Where stories live. Discover now