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Ariane kept them going through the night, not permitting her thoughts to dwell on recent events. Shock and the desperate need for survival kept the cold at bay. She needed to check her companion's wound, suspecting that healing would be vital to his survival. At some point in their journey he broke off the wooden shaft of the arrow and applied pressure to the surrounding area. She sensed he continued to ride out of sheer force of will.

That same force had commanded the attention of every troop as well as the leader. She had no idea who this man was but he was brave and important to the kingdom. This was the man which Mother Mildred mentioned before her death. Of that, Ariane had no doubt.

Now he grew weaker and she needed to find a safe place to treat his injury. Her mount was trained to do as instructed, but the regal grey and white horse seemed more comfortable in the lead. On Ariane's request to locate water, the lighter-colored horse delivered his burden to a secluded clearing by a running brook. The man was heavy as Ariane struggled to help him off the horse.

He leaned against his mount as she searched through the saddle packs to find any supplies that would help. Finding a blanket, she spread it on the ground and helped her companion lay down. Despite careful maneuvering, he landed heavily with a pained moan.

"What is your name?" she asked. If he talked, he had a chance of remaining conscious.

His eyes opened but it took them a moment to focus. Ariane was struck by the incredible blue-green color. "Kellan."

His voice sounded weak and strained. She needed to act quickly. "I am Ariane. You are injured, but I will help you."

"I know you will."

Kellan raised a hand to her face and traced the cut on her lip. The brief touch was gentle, as if he were trying to erase the rough abuse that created the wounds.

When his hand dropped back to his side, she forced her attention to her task. Opening his shirt, Ariane scanned his chest. A simple gold cross hung around his neck, but the trinket did not draw her attention. Instead, she was drawn to the arrow's entry site. The wound had not killed him yet, but soon would if she did not act. Quickly checking for other injuries, her fingers passed over a small tattoo over the man's heart. She ignored the mark and ran to get water to clean his injury.

Probing fingers triggered a tortured groan from her patient as she located and removed the arrow tip from deep within his chest. His eyes rolled heavenward as she grabbed the nearest available cloth, her belt, and applied deep pressure to stop the renewed bleeding. Beneath her hands, she felt his heartbeat grow weak. She listened as his breathing became more ragged. His aura faded as he took one last, labored gasp. With horror, she saw the fading light of his soul rise slowly from his body.

"NO! No! Please, Lord, please! Do not take this man! It cannot be his time."

A desperate desire to save the man made her do something she had never done before. Ariane closed her eyes and channeled all of her energy into the healing in a silent demand for her companion's life. The belt around her waist tightened in response, adding to her strength and will. Heat from her hands drove away the chill of the surrounding damp air. Reopening her eyes, she was shocked to see the ends of the sash pressed deeply into the wound, yet absorbed no blood. Her hands glowed with blue light, spilling over Kellan's bare chest.

After what seemed an eternity, her patient gasped as air returned to circulate through his lungs. Ariane sagged over Kellan's body. Pressing her forehead to his shoulder, with no thought of propriety, she gasped and closed her eyes against the burning pain above her left elbow. It was worse than she had ever experienced but it was nothing compared to her relief.

Healer: Spiritual Gifts #1Where stories live. Discover now