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Over the four days following his proposal, Ariane found her suitor in her path at every turn. Armed with his sister's instructions for proper courtship, Edric blocked her path as she returned from picking herbs, insisting on carrying her basket. He brought wood and a young fryer for their evening meal. At each opportunity, he tried to hold her hand and press his suit. She learned quickly to hold her hand in a fist so when he gave her hand a tender squeeze it did not hurt so badly.

It was Edric who stood in her way when Mother Mildred sent for Ariane from her mother's small hut. It was Edric who caught her arm by the woodpile, preventing the girl's rush to answer the urgent call.

"Ariane! You should not...."

Ariane had no patience for her suitor. "Please, do not interfere, Edric! I must be with her!"

With unexpected strength and determination, she pulled free and ran out of his reach to the safety of Serena's small hut.

Inside, Mother Mildred sat next to the pale woman, holding her limp hands. Ragged breathing could be heard from the still form on the bed. The midwife looked up to see Ariane standing inside the door. She quickly moved to allow the stricken girl to sit at her mother's side.

In spite of her rush, Ariane found her feet were made of lead as she approached the bedside. "I am here, Mother."

Serena answered with a wan smile as a trembling hand reached out for her daughter. Ariane gently took the frail offering and sat in the seat vacated by Mother Mildred.

The dying woman gathered her strength to rasp, "Ariane, my child, have I told you how proud I am of you?"

Tears threatened to fall as Ariane answered with brevity she did not feel. "I believe you have mentioned it a time or two, Mother."

The smile widened, but her laugh caused a spasm of painful coughing. Ariane quickly elevated her mother's head for easier breathing. When the spell subsided, Serena gave Ariane's hand a weak squeeze. "Mother Mildred tells me you are becoming a fine midwife."

Blushing from bittersweet pleasure, Ariane replied with all honesty, "I have the finest of teachers."

"And you would do well to remember that!" Mother Mildred called from a few feet away.

The pair at the bed smiled fondly at the older woman. With forlorn acceptance on her wizened face, the midwife stepped out of the door to give mother and daughter a few last quiet moments together.

"How is Edric?" Serena's concern was only for Ariane and the future she would not be a part of except in spirit, God willing.

"He is well. He...spoke to me that evening, and on several other occasions these past few days."

Serena caught the hesitation. A discussion with Mother Mildred before Ariane's arrival revealed a disturbing picture; however, there was nothing a dying woman could change. Her daughter's future would soon be in the hands of God and her own choices.

Silently, Serena gave a prayer of thanks for the assistance of the midwife in raising this lovely, intelligent young woman. However, knowledge and learning did not translate to experience. Knowing Ariane had few opportunities to interact with the male gender, the girl needed guidance. "Do you remember our discussion?"

Little else held Ariane's attention. "Yes, Mother. I think on it often."


"I am considering his proposal."

"You are not sure?"

"He would not want me to assist Mother Mildred if we marry." Ariane rushed to say the words before her courage faltered.

Healer: Spiritual Gifts #1Where stories live. Discover now