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Assisting with labor and birth was not the same as experiencing it, Ariane thought as she stubbornly paced the room. Nor was this midwife as experienced as Mother Mildred.

Where her departed mentor would have urged active movement throughout the early stages of labor, Sister Agatha had insisted on bed confinement. With the pains of labor progressing quickly, Ariane used every ounce of energy to protest. As her womb tightened with the beginnings of another contraction, she focused on the wisdom heard from her mentor's mouth hundreds of times.

Do not fight the pain, my dear. Focus on your breathing.

Her success was limited as her ability to breathe and remain standing fought the pain for control. Despite her best efforts, she could not contain a cry of pain as the next contraction ripped through her body forcing her to grab a chair's edge to prevent sinking to the floor.

The heavy door flew open as Kellan strode in. The midwife moved quickly to bar the Kronprinz as he moved toward Ariane's side. "Your Highness! You should not be here!"

"I belong here." he growled, pushing her aside.

Sister Agatha was scandalized. "But, Your Highness, men should not attend a birthing! It is not the place for...."

Her words died on her tongue as the Kronprinz gave the woman a look which permitted no argument. He was staying.

With no further thought to the midwife's objections, Kellan wrapped his arms around his wife, offering much-needed support. "My Lady, I came as quickly as I could."

He smelled of sweat, horse and leather. The ride had been intended as a brief diversion for his nervous anticipation. She gave a promise that she would not have the child while he was away. At the first signs of labor, she asked her personal guard, Sante, to fetch the Kronprinz, although she was certain the spirit of her brother-in-law would reach Kellan first.

Grateful to have his loving arms surround her as the contraction faded, Ariane was able to relax and catch her breath. She gave him a weak smile before saying, "Your son is a bit insistent, My Lord. He must take after his father."

Another strong contraction built as she finished her teasing, causing her to cry out. With his eyes closed to shut out the sight of her pain, Kellan could not see the spirit giving him instruction, but did not question the wisdom as he repeated the words in his wife's ear as he helped her move about the room and eventually to the bed. Sister Agatha was ignored when her instruction contradicted the words of the deceased.

She dared not argue with the royal couple.

The hours wore on. Ariane was grateful to have her husband at her side and the knowledge that Mother Mildred was present to give her guidance.

"Push, Milady! I see the head." the living midwife cried out.

"Push, my love." Kellan whispered the ghost's confirmation as he helped her press forward.

Ariane focused all of her remaining energy on that push, releasing out a scream of relief as the baby finally emerged from its cozy nest. Exhausted, she leaned back into the safety of Kellan's arms. His lips rained kisses down her head and neck as they had since his arrival; his assurances mixed with the comforting instructions that were more helpful to her than those of Sister Agatha.

A mewling cry brought a relieved smile to her face. It was the welcome sound of a healthy, newborn infant.

The midwife announced with pride, "It is a prince, My Lady! And a handsome one at that!"

A pleased chuckle sounded in her ear. Ariane turned to see the pride on Kellan's face. Together they watched as the midwife cleansed their child.

After wrapping him in a soft blanket of royal colors, Sister Agatha turned to hand the baby to the waiting mother, but was startled when the new father claimed the child instead. Having learned the wisdom of keeping her mouth shut in the presence of the Kronprinz, the woman resumed her duties, pretending to be invisible.

Kellan returned to his wife's side, placing the newborn prince between them. Little was said until the midwife left, her mission complete.

As soon as the door closed behind the woman, Kellan wordlessly removed his shirt and helped Ariane to open her shift. He then removed the blanket from the naked babe so that his child would know the bare love and warmth of both parents. Ariane was moved to tears by his loving action.

With a gentle kiss to her forehead, Kellan finally spoke, "Well done, my love!"

Ariane gave him a tired smile. "I had excellent help, My Lord. Kellan...?"

"Yes, My Lady."

"Did you see this mark?" Ariane lifted the baby's left foot for Kellan to see. On the sole of the tiny foot, a silvery heart-shaped mark was formed of the same vining pattern which created the brands on their backs.

The new parents exchanged a look. Kellan dared to ask, "Do you think he will be a gifted child? Gifts are rare, are they not?"

"Yes, but," Ariane hesitated as she considered her response. "Mother Mildred believed gifted children are born of blessed unions."

Kellan glanced around at the spirits present. Ariane's parents, his mother, Derrik and Eleanor, as well as the older woman he had first encountered before meeting the woman he now called wife. The ghostly images glowed with pride. "Then we shall wait and see, for this child is certainly born of many blessings."

They named the baby Derran in memory of his uncle. The tiny Prinz was unimpressed with the question of blessings and gifts. His soft mews informed his new parents of the first stirrings of hunger. Kellan helped Ariane to a comfortable position to permit the babe to latch onto her breast.

As he listened to the first, soft grunts of suckling, Kellan held his wife and child with a feeling of contentment he would never be capable of expressing. His eyes absorbed the miracles lying before him.

Ariane broke the quiet with a gentle reminder of his duty. "You should announce the birth of your son and heir."

Kellan glanced up to note the spirit of his mother had departed. He knew she had gone to deliver the news to an anxiously waiting grandfather. "Do you want me to leave you just yet, My Prinzessin?"

Knowing he was teasing, her gentle smile returned the favor by stealing his breath away. "No! Never, My Lord Husband!"

"Then the court may wait."


Healer: Spiritual Gifts #1Where stories live. Discover now