Chapter 3-Tommy

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I smile at Bo and give her a nod, telling her that it's okay to leave me. She slowly turns back around and stomps out of the room. I know who she is. She is Bo Malka, alpha of the Western pack. Everyone thinks she is a cold blooded killer and a cruel alpha, but seeing how she interacts with her pack assures me that the rumors are wrong.

Even as the doctors start to work on me, I can't help but think over how beautiful she is. She is short, probably a foot shorter than me, and gorgeous. She is skinny and muscular with tan skin, covered in scars. When she shifted back, I couldn't help but notice that nearly every part of her body was covered in thick white scars, all except her face.

She had a beautiful tan heart-shaped face with a cute nose and perfect lips. Her eyes were a beautiful ocean blue and seemed to notice everything. Her hair was a dull looking dark pink mixed with light purple. It was gorgeous. Her hair was beautiful and made her look more exotic. I had never really likes hair dye, but on Bo, it looked absolutely perfect and beautiful.

I cried out in pain, pulled out of my thoughts, as the doctors pulled out the metal from my leg. I let out a low growl, causing the doctors to shrink back. I pull my bear back in. I can't lash out at them while they are trying to help me. I don't understand why they didn't just knock me out, but I won't bring it up. They are trying to help me after all.

After an hour and a half of pain, they are finally done. They open the door and Bo instantly rushes in, looking me over to make sure I'm okay. I see her let out a sigh of relief and slump down into the chair beside the hospital bed rubbing her forehead with her fingers.

"What's wrong?" I ask, trying to figure out why she looks so conflicted.

"It's just...what are we going to do about our packs. I don't think you will give up your Alpha title, and I won't, not after..." she trails off, her eyes widening as she looks up at me panicked.

I sit up on my hospital bed and look her over. What did she mean? Why won't she tell me? I know we just met, but we are mates!

"After what?"

"Nothing, nothing," she waves me off quickly.

"Bo, please tell me," I ask, looking straight into her beautiful eyes.

She seems to have an argument with herself before giving me a slow nod and a sigh. I pat the spot on the bed beside me and she moves to sit beside me. I wrap my arm around her shoulder, wincing as the movement pulls on some of my stiches. Sparks shoot through my arm and tingles rush down my spine at the contact. The mate pull made everything better with mates.

"Okay, father used to be the alpha of this pack," she starts, looking down at her scared hands.

I grip one of her hands, and run my fingers over her scared knuckles, enjoying the feeling I get at the contact, and offer her a gentle smile to continue.

"He was a very cruel and abusive alpha...and father. He wanted a boy, someone he could train to be just like me, but he got a girl instead. My mother died in childbirth and he just went even more mad. He was abusive since the day I was born, but always trained me to fight and be stronger, since I could walk. When I was fifteen part of the pack and I rebelled against him and took over the pack," she finishes quietly.

"And your father?"

"He got away," she growls, clenching her hands into fists.

"That's why you don't want to give up the pack?"

"I fought so hard to stay alive as a child and fought with my pack to earn our freedom. I just don't want someone like him, or worse, to take over," she sighs, closing her eyes.

"I would never do anything to harm you or your pack, Bo," I tell her truthfully.

"Yeah, I know, but...I...I don't know, it's just. I worked so hard for this and to make us strong again after over half of our pack was killed, I just...I can't give up."

"Okay, Bo, we can figure that out later," I say, rubbing her shoulders.

"Thank you," she says, leaning gently against my shoulder.

"For what?"

"For listening and...understanding," she says carefully, like I'm about to lash out at her for even suggesting that.

I place a kiss to the top of her head and lean back up against the headboard with a happy sigh. She suddenly jumps up and moves towards the door before turning back around to face me, her eyes burning.

"Rogues!" she growls, telling me all I need to know. "Stay here, I'll be back!"

I want to call out and protest, but I know she won't listen. She is an alpha and a warrior. She won't stay here just because I want her to be safe. I growl in annoyance at being injured, but get up anyway. There is no way I'm letting my mate go out there without me.

I use the bed to remain standing, adjusting to the slight sting going through my body. With my bear healing, it was less painful. I should be fully healed by tomorrow, but I wanted to help Bo. I had to be out there with her!

I stumble out of the hospital room and down the empty hallway. I make it out to the lobby and ignore the curious looks I get.

Sir, you can't go out there. You are injured," a nurse says, but I just growl at her, letting my bear seep through.

She shrinks back and I continue out the door. As soon as I make it out, I shift into my massive black bear before I can collapse. I was much stronger in my bear form anyway.

I follow the scent of strawberries into the woods. Soon the sound of barking and whimpering reaches my ears. In front of me is a battle. Wolves are being torn apart and ripped open. I can tell which ones are rogues, they all have the same trash smell. I charge at the nearest rogue and slam him to the ground, ripping out his throat.

I look up and see Bo's giant gray wolf taking on three rogues. I move to help her, but she easily kills all three of them, using her speed and size to her advantage. Damn.

She lifts her head up to meet my gaze and growl slightly, annoyance playing on her wolf's features. Before she can come over to me, she is locked into another battle, fighting two more rogues.

I feel a jaw clamp around my shoulder and I spin around, gripping it in my own jaws and throwing it away from me, and into a tree. It lets out a small whimper as it falls to the ground, but goes silent after I charge at it and tear open its neck.

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