Chapter 5-Tommy

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"What did I do to deserve you as a mate?" Bo says quietly to herself.

I wasn't supposed to hear, but I did and I can't help the smile that appears on my face. Bo was absolutely perfect. The real question was, what did I do to deserve her as my mate? She was strong and caring and independent. She was nothing like the rumors made her out to be.

"Come on, let's get ready to go to my pack. We need to get help right away," I say, tugging her towards the door out of the bunker.

She plays with the note in her hand with a frown. I hated seeing her so torn and confused. Her father was threatening her, as well as me, but I didn't really care about myself as long as Bo didn't get hurt.

"Okay, we can take my car, since, you know, you killed yours," she smirked.

"Hey, that wasn't my fault. My back tire popped," I defended.

"Whatever. Go get your beta while I pack okay?"

"Okay, baby," I smile before walking off.

I can feel her eyes following me making me smirk to myself. She doesn't know this, but that's how she makes me feel when she just looks at me. I walk to the clinic without looking back at my beautiful mate, which took a lot of will power.

I find Charles's room and walk in to find him awake on the bed and flipping through the channels on the T.V

"Hey man, how are you?" I ask, sitting on the foot of his bed.

"I'm fine, I only hit my head and got a concussion, and I had a piece of metal in my arm, and I had a bunch of glass in me," Charles says calmly.

I look at him confused. I can't tell if he is being sarcastic or not. I shrug it off and hop of the bed.

"Dude, I found my mate!" I exclaim.

"What, really? Who?"

"Bo Malka."

"You mean the alpha of the Western pack? The crazy cold hearted one?" he asks with a frown, making me growl.

"She isn't like that. Those are just rumors. She's kind and fun and caring. She's also strong and independent. She's...perfect," I say with a wide smile.

"Dude, you are whipped," he chuckles, shaking his head.

"Just wait until you find your mate," I smirk, pointing a finger at him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he scoffs.

"Okay, we need to get back to our pack."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"Not in our pack. Rogues attacked the Western pack and took all of the children. They are led by Bo's father who is out for revenge and also has some hunters that want me because I am a bear, so I said we are going to help," I tell him.

"What? Hold on! Repeat everything you just said slower and better," he said, making me groan.

I tell him the whole story in more detail this time, and why they are after this pack. I tell him about Bo's father, though I feel guilty telling him about her personal life, but it is necessary if he is going to understand the situation.

"Okay, let's go," Charles agrees, carefully getting up from the bed.

I walk over to his side and help him out of the bed. He leans on me for support while he gains his balance, then starts walking towards the door. I help him, carrying most of his weight, as we make it down the hallway.

"So what does the alpha look like? Is she hot?" Charles smirks, making me growl. "Okay, okay, is she pretty?" he asks rewording his question.

"She's beautiful," I smile as I lead him out of the hospital.

Charles chuckles and shakes his head as we walk down the ramp. Up ahead I see Bo coming with a two other men. I growl at how close they are standing, but Bo just rolls her eyes at me and comes closer. She pecks my cheek before helping with Charles's other side. She had changed into a pair of short jean shorts and a black muscle Pink Floyd tank top with a black sports bra visible through the slits on the side.

"This is Celeb, my beta, and that is Ron, one of my best warriors. They are coming with us," she informs me, leading us towards a garage.

"So you're Bo," Charles chuckles from between us.

She shoots me a curious look over his head and I just smile innocently.

"Um, yeah?" she says, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I see, you know Tommy is literally head over heels for you, right? He said..." Charles was cut off when I slapped my hand over his mouth.

The rest of his sentence came out muffled and quiet. Thank god. I had no idea what Charles was going to say. I looked over at Bo and found her laughing and shaking her head. Her laugh was perfect.

"Come on, the car's over here," she said, pulling us into the garage.

She lead us towards a massive black truck with a few bags in the back. She helped me put Charles in the back and moved over to the driver's seat. I got into the passenger's side, and Celeb and Ron sandwiched Charles in the back.

I turned back to Bo as she started up the car, the engine roaring, and the radio blasting. She quickly turned down what I knew was Metallica and sent me an apologetic smile. The car pulls out of the garage and onto a winding road that leads to the main highway.

"So where to?" she asks, looking over at me quickly.

"The Northern Pack," I tell her and she nods, making the necessary turn.

I stare at her pink hair as she drives. It was gorgeous, but I wanted to know why she did it. I tried to fight the question, but my curiosity got the best of me.

"Why did you dye your hair?" I ask.

"It was the only color I could get into my life," she says flatly.

I stare at her, shocked. While I was growing up in a pack that loved me with my sister and her mate, my own mate was being abused and mistreated. I lived a happy life, while she was living terribly.

Life wasn't fair.

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