Chapter 12-Bo

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The sound of a door slamming shut, jerks me awake. I struggle to focus on anything in the bright room. When my eyes do focus though, I wish that I was still unconscious. I front of me lies a few bodies of the children from my pack, smeared in blood. My throat closes up as I take in their corpses.

Some were a little older than five, and others were teens. This was not what taking back the pack was supposed to result in. a few silent tears escape my eyes as I think of how I failed them. I failed my pack, their parents, and worse of all, the children.

"I thought I taught you better than to cry," I hear a voice from behind me, a voice I would love to go the rest of my life without hearing.

I growl at him, fighting to get at him, but I'm tied down with metal cuffs to a chair. I go to move my legs, but they are also tied. The chair is welded into the floor so there is no use in me trying to tip it over. I was stuck, and I walked right into it with the foolish hope of saving the children and Tommy.

"I see you are still the rebellious girl I raised," he sighs in disappointment.

"You are sick, killing children. You could have just traded them for me. Let the rest and Tommy go and I'll stay with you willingly," I try to reason.

"I am already going to make you stay, but willingly isn't a bad idea, unfortunately I can't let Tommy go, but maybe some of the children, you know, after I kill a few," he chuckles.

I growl and pull against the metal, ignoring how it bites into my skin. I try to shift, but a burning pain goes through me, making me cry out in pain, which only makes my father laugh.

"You used to be immune to pain, has these past few years made you soft?' he asks, grabbing a knife from a tray.

He walks over to me and I remain still, holding my head up high. He wants to make me cry out in pain, or even cry, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. He brings the knife against my cheek, dragging it down towards the corner of my mouth, before moving and doing it to the other side. Blood drips down my face, but I ignore it, biting my lip to keep in my cries.

He moves to my arms then my torso, then down to my legs. I somehow manage to keep my sobs to myself, but I was slowly running out of energy and will power.

Suddenly, my head snaps to the side, my cheek burning and bleeding from the previous cut. He backhands me across my other cheek, snapping my head in the other direction. I spit out a glob of blood as he bring his fist into my rib, making it crack. I finally let out a small cry, and gasp for breathe as he pulls back with a smirk.

"I guess you still have pretty good tolerance to pain..." he doesn't get to finish, because a few rogues burst into the room. "What the hell do you want?" he growls, looking at them.

"We are being attacked, the two packs have joined forces," one of them gulps.

Jack lets out a loud growl and snaps back to me, grabbing my hair in between his fingers, and yanking it back. The knife finds itself at the base of my throat as I stare into his lifeless eyes. The knife presses farther into my neck, making me wince. He lets out an annoyed growl, moving the knife away and stabbing it into my thigh, making me cry out as tears fell from my eyes.

"I'll be back for you," he growled before storming out, bringing his rogues with him.

I stare at the closed doors as my vision blurs, before finally snapping out of my daze and looking around the room. I let out an annoyed huff when I find the room empty except for a tray table a few feet away covered in torture tools and...keys? Who was stupid enough to take the chance on me reaching the keys...somehow?

I grit my teeth before leaning over and gripping the knife handle between my teeth. It was time like these that being flexible came in handy. I pulled the knife out in one quick yank, screaming through the knife handle. I moved the knife to my hand and held it, looking back over at the tray. Maybe I didn't need the key.

I turned the knife over in my hand and placed the tip into the lock, I dug around for a few seconds before managing to get it open. Thanks dad! He taught me too well when I was little, and always made me prove that I could get out of places or preform his skill, no matter how painful, now I was glad.

I lifted my arm up and eagerly attempted to unlock the next one, but it had a different kind of lock. Damn! I guess my father wasn't as stupid as I thought. I let out an annoyed growl, and looked back at the tray. I leaned forward as much as I could, but I still couldn't reach it.

I slumped back into the chair, exhausted and slow, from blood loss. I couldn't think straight. My wounds had closed up, but I still lost too much blood while they were open.

Suddenly the door burst open, making me throw the knife. The rogue that had entered was dead with only one-step into the room, the knife settled between his eyes. I hear a few startled cries and the door opens wider, revealing a few warriors from Tommy's pack. I let out a sigh of relief as they rushed over to the tray and grabbed the keys. They're gazes landed on the dead children and their faces paled as horror shone clear in their eyes. They soon snapped out of their shock and turned back to me.

They quickly unlocked me and I jumped to my feet, but instantly regretted it. I swayed on my feet from the loss of blood, but one of the warriors was there to steady me.

"Let's go get Tommy," I say sternly, pushing away from him.

I make it out into the chaotic hallway, full of screams. Rogues were falling and so were their hunters, but not without some casualties on my side. I pushed the thoughts of the losses away and scrambled through the hallway, trying to find the dungeon.

I fell into the wall as I tripped, but placed a hand out to stop myself, but it slipped on the blood slick walls, making me crash to the floor, right beside the body of my beta. I let out a startled cry and grabbed his face in mine, staring into his lifeless eyes. How did this happen? How did they find me? Hwy did they come after me?

I let out a few more cries before the warriors hauled me up and pulled me along the hallway. I was acting week, I can't act week. I am the alpha, and an alpha is supposed to be strong and confident. I pushed away all of my feelings and stood up tall, pushing my shoulders back and sticking out my chin.

A series of growls sounded behind us, coming from a group of rogues. I instantly shifted and charged at them ,ignoring the extreme fatigue and pain I was feeling. I pushed myself towards the first one, slamming him into the wall and ripping out his throat, before taking out all of my anger on the next ones. Nothing was going to stop me now, not injuries, not my feelings, and certainly not a few rogues. I will fight until my last breathe.

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