Chapter 8-Bo

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"I couldn't find you either, but I didn't date anyone else," I say, hating how my voice cracks at the end.

I turn around and start walking back in the direction of the house, Max next to me, holding my hand. I look down at her and smile as a tear runs down my face. I hate feeling weak and sad, but the thought of Tommy with someone else makes me so mad. I was mad at first, now I'm just sad. He couldn't even wait for his mate! I had always loved the idea of mates. Someone who would love you right away, no matter what. I had never thought I would find mine though, and I when I did, he is this super amazing guy. But now, I find out that he couldn't even wait the nineteen years of his life for me.

More tears fall down my cheeks before I realize we have reached the house. I quickly sniffle and dry my eyes before walking closer towards the house. I feel Max tug on my arm and I turn to look down at her with a small smile.

"You are much better than Valerie. She's evil, Tommy's a complete idiot jerk face," she says with a smile.

I chuckle down at her and pull her into a hug before continuing to walk into the house. Minnie is in the kitchen and takes in my appearance. She opens her mouth to save something, but Max, god bless her soul, saves me.

"By mom, we are going to go play, call us when dinner is ready," Max calls, pulling me out of the room.

I stare down at the little girl and can't help the smile. She was very mature for her age. I could already tell she was going to be an awesome person when she grows up. She drags me up the steps towards her room, humming a song. She opens the door and I can't help but smile at her room. I love it!

The walls of her room are painted a dark navy blue, and decorated with Star Wars and Marvel posters. She has little action figures standing up on her wood dressers. Books line her floor and the shelves along her room, along with discarded baseball gloves and a few soccer balls. She was a total tomboy, and that made me love her even more.

Max runs and flops down on her red bed with a smile, staring up at the ceiling. I move over and lay beside her, staring up at the star covered ceiling.

"Did you know the stars glow in the dark?" she asks out of the blue.

I laugh and shake my head, making her jump up and turn the lights to her room off. Sure enough, the ceiling of her room lights up with glowing little stars. I feel the bed dip as she sits beside me and grabs my hand.

"I'm glad I have you as an aunt."

I turn to look at her shocked. It was one thing for her not to be scared of me, it was another for her to actually like me.

"You aren't scared of me?" I ask, not able to contain my curiosity and shock anymore.

"Why would I be?"

"I don't know. Most people are...because of my scars," I say truthfully.

"That's so stupid. I have scars and they aren't scary," she scoffs.

"How did you get them?"

"I may or may not have fallen out of a tree, once...or twice, okay, maybe a lot, but I have tiny arms and legs I can barely reach the branches," she defends, making me burst into laughter.

We lay down at talk about random stuff and laugh as we stare up at the ceiling until Minnie hollers that dinner is ready.

"Yes! Food!" Max yells and sprints out of the room, leaving me laughing on her bed.

I slowly get up and walk into the hallway, only to crash into a muscular chest. The sparks shooting through my body tell me it's Tommy. I push away from him, not making eye contact. I know I over reacted slightly, but I was hurt. The one person that was made for me, the only one that was supposed to fully accept me, was with someone else.

"Bo," he says, gently holding my arms.

I look up at his face and see it looking sad and broken. He shouldn't look this way. My wolf starts whining because I was the cause of this.

"I'm sorry, Bo. I was stupid and didn't think. I thought I was never going to find my mate. I'm sorry, just know that you are the only girl for me now. I found you, and I'm not going to let you go," he says, getting more determined at the end of the speech.

He didn't have to over sell it, because I was already sold. I understand that it was in the past and its okay. Now that I had time to cool off, I can see clearly. As long as he is with only me in the future, then I'm okay. I sigh and let a smile overtake my features.

"I forgive you."

"Really?" he asks before attacking my lips with his.

He pushes me against the hallway wall and smiles against my lips. I was well aware that there were people just downstairs, two of which, don't really like me. Tommy finally pulls away and leans his head against my forehead.

"Come on, let's go eat dinner," I chuckle, spinning out of his grip.

"Oh I don't think so," he chuckles, grabbing my wrist and tugging me back towards him. "I have made plans for our own special dinner."

"Wait, what?" I ask as he pulls me down the steps.

"Shh, it's a surprise, I'm not going to tell you," he says and pulls me out the front door.

"Aren't they expecting us?"

"Nah, I told them already," he chuckles.

"Oh," I say as he drags me through the forest.

His pack members shoot me curious looks, some also throw in a glare, making me growl at them. Tommy just chuckles at me, finally we stop at what looks like a lake. As we get closer, I see it is actually a small waterfall and has a small blanket set up with food and lights surrounding it. I turn to Tommy with a grin, taking in his nervous face.

I smash my lips to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I feel his hands instantly go to my waist and he lifts me up. I pull away, letting out a small squeak and wrap my legs around him. He chuckles and pecks my lips once more before walking us over to the blanket. I start to get off him, but he keeps me in place with a hand on my hip.

"Don't just sit here,' he orders, making me chuckle.

I nod my head and he smiles, moving his arms to grab the basket full of food. I grab a grape from the basket and stuff it into my mouth as I turn around to look at the waterfall, my back pressed against Tommy's chest.

'It's beautiful," I breathe, staring out at the water.

"Not as beautiful as you," he says, kissing just behind my ear.

"That has got to be one of the cheesiest things I've ever heard,' I chuckle, leaning back into him a little more.

"Yeah, but it's true," he laughs.

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